Podcast – Steve Bistritz – Selling to the Top Level – Interview with Author Steve Bistritz

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Interview with Selling to the C-Suite Author Dr. Steve Bistritz

How do the best salespeople become trusted advisers to business owners and top executives? It’s all about preparing the right message, and then getting in front of the right influencers and decision-makers. As a home-based business owner, your goal is to close big sales and establish loyalty for the long term. To chart these waters, Sherilyn Colleen, Managing Editor, and Richard “Captain” Henderson interview Dr. Steve Bistritz, a top-level sales guru and author of Selling to the C-Suite. He will help you to meet and successfully sell to the unique expectations of business owners and executive buyers.

Subjects discussed in the podcast include:

  • The best ways to gain access to the executive level
  • How to identify the relevant executive for a sales opportunity
  • The impact of digital natives reaching the boardroom
  • How online tools and social media are revolutionizing the way executives buy
  • How salespeople can establish and sustain trust and credibility at the executive level

Dr. Steve Bistritz has more than 40 years of high-tech sales, sales management and training management experience. He is the best-selling author of Selling to the C-Suite (second edition) and speaker in the field of sales, sales management and selling to executives. Through OnTarget, Steve led the development of sales training programs for tens of thousands of salespeople worldwide. Steve holds a doctorate in human resource development from Vanderbilt University and is currently president of his own sales training and consulting firm, SellXL.

So tune in to learn how to sell to the C-Suite with Dr. Steve Bistritz.

Episode Sponsor: Safety Technology * www.helpdefendpeople.com

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Interview Guest:

Steve Bistritz













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