Tips in Tree Trimming at Your Commercial Property or Home Business

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Regular maintenance of trees in residential and commercial areas is very important. When trees are trimmed, the likelihood of safety hazards and power outages are minimized. When you trim trees at your commercial property or home business, you help them become healthier and grow to their maximum height. However, if not properly done, tree trimming may end up damaging the whole tree. Although there are many existing tree trimming techniques, acquainting yourself with the basics to keeps things in order will help you get the work done rather than having to hire professionals. The guide below will help you handle the task successfully without straining your body.

Handle the Work During a Dormant Season

Carrying out trimming activities during dormant seasons such as early winter or late fall can put less pressure on the tree. During such a season, your trees are likely to have fewer wounds and minimized sap loss. This will lead to minimized infections from insects and fungus, thereby enhancing their flowering capabilities. This means that the best time to trim is that time when the trees are dormant and leaves have fallen off of them. However, you can still perform the trimming task in the circumstance where branches would break during a storm season or similar rough weather. During such a time, it is not necessary to wait for a dormant season to prune your trees.

Keep in Mind Which Branches Need Cutting and Which Ones Need to Be Left Uncut

Now knowing that tree trimming is recommended to be done during dormant seasons, it is also important to know which parts of the trees require the trimming. According to Southampton Tree Surgeons, you are supposed to trim branches that have narrow angles and leave those with stronger and wider angles untouched. This means that you should only remove strong branches with wider angles if you have a good reason to do so. It is also better if you trim branches when they are still young rather than trimming them when they are too old.

Try to Maintain Live Branches on at Least Two-Thirds of the Tree’s Height

Removing too many branches at the bottom half of the tree may result in weak stem development which can lead to having to engage in tree removal. For this reason, it is advisable to only trim lateral branches that need to be removed for the purpose of reducing crowding of the branches on the tree. The branches should be at least one-third of the diameter of the stem.

Trim Correctly

Too long or too close trimming are both very wrong methods. Leaving large stubs after trimming or removing swollen collar at the branch base may cause serious tree problems such as cankers. For this reason, it is very important to make correct cuts which will leave a ring of living tissues that will be able to grow completely. When removing the stub, ensure that you make an accurate cut that will give the tree the chance to heal quickly.

Ensure That Your Trimming Equipment Are Very Clean Before and After Every Use

Cleaning your trimming equipment is important so the health of trees can be maintained. This is because there is a high chance of transmitting tree diseases via trimming tools. If you trim a diseased tree and neglect to clean the tool, the disease can be transmitted to a healthy tree when you trim it using the same tool.

Although trimming trees at your commercial property or home business can minimize the likelihood of safety hazards, it is very important to trim them the correct way. Home business owners should always be looking for ways to enhance the exterior and interior of their home businesses, and the same applies if they have grown their venture to a commercial location. Consider the above tips as they can be a significant help to you. With them, you should be able to carry out all your trimming tasks without the assistance of an expert.

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  1. Thank you for these great tips for tree trimming at your commercial property or home business. These can serve as a guideline to maintain a safe practices in your field. The basic ideas are to know your perimeter, equipment, and office. You might be wondering about what (richmondhedges(dot)com) tree services trimming is all about. Well, tree trimming is cutting branches of trees or shrubs in your yard or any part of a property you own in order to maintain a neat appearance of the area. Also, it involves the removal of dead and dying trees and other unnecessary vegetation. We all want to be happier and more successful. Even if it means moving into a more dangerous environment, once we have reached a certain comfort zone, we seek to stay there as long as possible. But growth doesn’t always come from within our comfort zones.

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