The Top 4 Management Tools You May Not Know About

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Almost every company engages in effective planning and the systematic organization of duties when carrying out a project. Proper management is what leads to the successful completion of any project. You must learn the art of defining project goals, scheduling tasks, and assigning duties to accomplish your goals. The available management tools make your work efficient and effective. Although these tools are incredible, you must choose one that best fits your situation. Read on to discover the top four management tools you may not know about.

1. Gantt Chart. Gantt chart will help you plan and organize your work by breaking any large project into smaller tasks in an organized manner. Each task has a timeline, which is presented by a horizontal bar. The left side of the bar represents the beginning date, and the right end shows the expected end date of the task. The tasks can run either in a sequential, parallel, or overlapping manner. During the process, you can highlight the significant events with a small diamond shape called a milestone. The Gantt chart clearly shows the subtasks and the timeframe of each work. Gantt chart also allows you to track the progress of your project at any stage.

2. PERT Chart. PERT is a short form of Program Evaluation and Review Technique. This tool is useful in planning and scheduling the entire project and tracking your implementation phase. PERT chart also indicates the division of labor, time allocation, and the start and end dates. PERT chart displays your project information as a network model. The tool uses boxes to represent each task and arrows to show any dependencies between your tasks. Compared to the Gantt chart, PERT has a more precise layout that makes it easier for you to see the relationship between your activities.

3. Open Project. Open Project is a web-based tool, which you can use to manage and implement your project. The tool can record all of your activities that relate to corporate projects and make communication between stakeholders available. Open Project comes with tools that can monitor the budget and time consumption of your project. Additionally, it has functions that relate to agile methodologies. You can also integrate this tool with other software in your company.

4. EasyRedmine. EasyRedmine is also a web-based platform you can use to manage your work. EasyRedmine has a large community and several available options, which extend the functionality of the tool. The tool allows users to come together, thus enabling both the workers and clients to access the system. This ability allows everyone to track the progress of the project and develop a sense of ownership.

Other standard tools include the calendar, timeline, and status table. Every management tool is essential since it has a role to play in the process of working on a project. An excellent project manager must ensure that he completes every task within the set timeframe and without exceeding the estimated budget. As such, it is wise to seek the help of these top ten best task management software and tools.

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