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LATEST EPISODE (Scroll Down for More Episodes):
Podcast: Setting Up to Succeed – She Helps Entrepreneurs Get Their Structure Right
Get your business set-up to succeed through its legal structure. Catherine Delcin is an expert in this arena. She also has an Inspirational start-up story having immigrated from Haiti. She knows the value of opportunity and having determination to turn one’s vision into reality. (more)
Podcast: Flip the Model – Erik Reid Grows His Business By Changing the Rules
An innovative way to grow your business is to “flip the model” in the industry you want to break in to. Flip that model and break the chains that hold you back from succeeding in your targeted market. Erik Reid and his staffing company Virtustant are flipping traditional hiring models to launch and grow. (more)
Podcast: Unlock Your Potential with Scott Haug and the Art of Manifestation
How can you reach the next level of your potential and business growth? Scott Haug shows you how to shift your mindset. Expert in giving entrepreneurs a visual path to achieve real results through the art of manifestation and laws of attraction. (more)
Podcast: Couple-Preneurs Kyle & Ariel Tresch Thrive in Business and Relationships
If you are running a business and living with a significant other, you are both “Couple-Preneurs”. Kyle & Ariel Tresch help you meet this challenge. The founder’s of Couplepreneurs equip entrepreneur couples to grow without growing apart. Turn your working dynamic as a couple into a competitive advantage in business. (more)
Podcast: Plug & Play Franchising for Home-Based Entrepreneurs
Franchises offer among the highest chances for business start-up success. Most can be operated home-based. To learn more about franchising we talk with Ryan Parsons, CEO, Evive Brands. Unlock your potential as a franchise owner. (more)
Podcast: Melissa Core-Caballo Builds Multi-Million Dollar Branding Business
Melissa Core-Caballo is the dynamic force behind Dead Horse Branding, a groundbreaking agency revolutionizing the music and entertainment industries. Melissa’s journey to being a top female entrepreneur is inspiring. Learn to brand better. (more)
Podcast: Redneck Resilience – A Better Way to Navigate These Uncertain Times
Redneck Resilience – Phrase drives home importance of building resilience in these uncertain times, in whatever business you operate. Podcast guest author James Harold Webb on preparing your business to navigate uncertain times. Inspiring entrepreneur success story. (more)
Podcast: AI will Create a New Generation of Millionaires – Colin C Campbell
Artificial Intelligence – AI – is transforming everything in our world, and that means Home Business too. AI is opening up huge opportunities for home-based entrepreneurs who recognize the challenges. Simply put, Colin C. Campbell believes AI will create a new generation of millionaires. Learn why. He is author of book “Start. Scale. Exit. Repeat.” (more)
Podcast: – Brain Glue – Succeed by Making Your Sales Pitches Sticky
Turn your ordinary ideas, products and sales pitches into blockbusters of persuasion by using “brain science.” Unleash 14 natural triggers in the mind. James I. Bond is the author of Brain Glue: How Selling becomes much easier by Making Your Ideas Sticky. (more)
Podcast: – Money-Smart Solopreneur – Protect Your Finances with Money-Girl Laura Adams
Over 80% of small businesses have just one employee — the owner. It’s more important than ever for entrepreneurs to protect their finances. “Money Girl” Laura Adams, author of Money-Smart Solopreneur, advises on creating a “self-employed benefits package.” (more)
Podcast: Multi-Million Dollar Mompreneur – Julie Roy Achieves Business Mastery
Meet Julie Roy best-selling author of The Multi-Million Dollar Mompreneur. Takeaways from her journey to financial freedom and a fulfilling life. Offers insights and concrete action items to help anyone striving to propel their business. (more)
Podcast: Digital Ad Tune-up – GeoFencing & Other Promotional Tactics
Geofencing and the latest digital advertising tactics can grow your business. Podcast with Jeff Swartz of Ethic Advertising Agency. Tune-up your online marketing in 2024. (more)
Podcast: Dynamic Duo – Mother-Daughter Team Soar in Owning Done & Done
Learn the social media success secrets and business-building story of this mother-daughter dynamic duo. Ann Lightfoot and Kate Pawlowski have grown Done & Done Home into a 7-figure business. (more)
Podcast: AI Your Brand – Karen Tiber Leland Helps Get Your Business Ready for Artificial Intelligence
The rapid rise of Artificial Intelligence is exponentially increasing the challenge to compete and stand out from the crowd. Get your business and its brand AI-ready. Author and marketing expert Karen Tiber Leland helps you tackle this new challenge. (more)
Podcast – James Rosseau – Achieving Success on Your Own Terms
We love entrepreneur success stories. James Rosseau hits that target, as a hip-hop media owner, CEO and author of the new book Success on Your Own Terms. An inspiring blend of personal setbacks and triumphs, smart strategies, and lessons learned on his way to a Fortune 100 boardroom. (more)
Podcast – Efficiency Bitch – Melissa Leon on How Ambitious Women Can Have It All
Efficiency Bitch. Melissa Leon has trademarked this phrase! She uses the letters to define five areas she focuses on – Bank, InBox, Time, Connection, and Harmony. Learn from her expertise on how to better balance life between work and family. (more)
Podcast – Wonderhell – Laura Gassner Otting on Achieving Greater Business Success
Have you ever had a “Wonder Hell” moment. According to best-selling author and TEDx speaker Laura Gassner Otting, success is wonderful, but it’s also “Hell.” In her new book, Wonderhell, she can help you manage and achieve increased business success. (more)
Podcast – Instagram Unleashed – Corey Walker Talks Latest Marketing with Social Media
Are you using Instagram to maximum marketing effect? Corey Walker, author of Instagram for Business for Dummies, shows us the way. Subjects covered include effective ways to use Instagram, why you should invest in Instagram, and posting frequency. (more)
Podcast – Funnel Fury – Tara Lassiter on Lead Generation in Your Biz
After 12 years of modeling on the QVC channel, what was Tara Lassiter to do? She launched an online business with the help of funnels. How to use these for lead generation, turn into clients, and build your business.et. (more)
Podcast – Gin-Preneur Triumphs – Adam Von Gootkin Breathes New Life Into an Old Industry
We love business start-up stories. How about a Gin-Preneur? Adam Von Gootkin’s Highclere Castle Spirits has carved out an impressive market niche in spirits and the booming gin industry. You can breathe new start-up success into an old traditional market. (more)
Podcast – Vote-Preneurs – Tech Experts’ ActiVote App is Helping to Make Democracy Work
Victor Allis shared a passion to make democracy work better. So he co-founded ActiVote, a first-of- its-kind non-partisan App, to simplify elections and empower U.S. citizens to vote. Learn about his journey making a successful App. (more)
We all know how important it is to set up our home offices for success. There are easy things you can do right now to de-clutter your workspace and increase home office productivity. Interview with “De-Cluttering Guru” Christina Giaquinto, of Modular Closets. (more)
Podcast – Amazon Seller – How to Increase Your Revenue
Just about every home-based entrepreneur will be involved in Amazon selling. As with any business segment, there are critical success factors to being successful as an Amazon Seller. Interview with Amazon ace Lesley Hensell, co-founder of Riverbend Consulting. She will help our listeners to be better sellers on Amazon. Grow your business through Amazon. (more)
Podcast Work Easier – Make Things Better in Your Biz Life
Erin Joy knows what women business leaders are thinking and the best failproof practices for success. She shares it through her Talks Business brand, distributed through a radio show, an App, and YouTube. Valuable business advice in starting up and succeeding. (more)
Podcast – Business Talk – Erin Joy Advises Women Entrepreneurs
Erin Joy knows what women business leaders are thinking and the best failproof practices for success. She shares it through her Talks Business brand, distributed through a radio show, an App, and YouTube. Valuable business advice in starting up and succeeding. (more)
Podcast – Your Inner Matrix – Succeed by Mastering Emotions
Entrepreneurs are under constant pressure and stress that can get in the way of achieving your business goals. Having a mastery of one’s emotions can mean the difference between success or failure. Interview with Joey Klein in how to better master your emotions for increased success. (more)
Podcast – Women Overwhelmed – Ditch that Feeling of Being Over-Inundated
Women are feeling more overwhelmed than ever. Running a business increase that pressure. Are you ready to ditch that feeling? Megan Sumrell believes that productivity strategies are failing women. She can help you to better manage our tasks, planning and schedules. (more)
Podcast – Expansion 101 – Have You Diversified Your Business Today?
The best you can ensure your small business success is to maximize revenue. What better way to do that than to diversify your business and income streams? And who better to talk about business diversification than Sara Bendrick. She is a HGTV “Lawn & Order” star, TV host, author of Big Impact Landscaping, and a thriving small business owner. Get on the path to diversifying revenue. (more)
Podcast – Tax Time Terror – Get Ready for this Dreaded Season of the Year
It’s that dreaded season of the year. It’s tax time. The most important tax thing you can do right now is plan out what you need to do! Getting ready for tax time isn’t a big thing, it’s a lot of little things. Interview Barbara Weltman to help you get ready for taxes. Barbara Weltman is a well-known business expert and author of The Home-Based Business Start-Up Guide. (more)
Podcast – Government Auctions – A Great Resource for Your Business or as its Own Start-up
Most municipalities and government agencies auction off big ticket surplus items that are no longer needed or in service. Buy vehicles, heavy equipment and other items your business needs through government auctions. Or start-up a lucrative side business buying and selling auction items. Interview with Greg Berry CEO of online marketplace Municibid. (more)
Podcast – Being Un-Receptive – A Better Way to Sell – Tom Stanfill
The number of customers who would rather talk to a bot or do a Google search than talk to a seller has more than doubled in the past three years. Traditional approaches to selling are backfiring on the growing “unreceptive.” Shift the focus from crafting the perfect message to creating receptivity. Interview with Tom Stanfill, CEO and author of “unReceptive: A Better Way to Sell, Lead & Influence. (more)
Podcast – Spruce-Ups – Improve Motivation by Making Your Home Office More Inviting
Are you feeling a little “down” today or need more motivation? Your home workspace could be the source of flagging motivation. Simple and inexpensive upgrades and changes to your home office could make all the difference. Interview with Jeanelle Ditto, owner of Blush Interior Designs. Get started with easy-to-do “Spruce Ups” to improve your daily home office experience. (more)
Podcast – Law of Pain – Grow Through Conquering Painful Situations
No pain, no gain. No one likes difficult times – but we can choose to embrace the lessons we learn from pain. Conquering your painful situations can help your business achieve greater success. Interview with Bill Goodwin, owner of Priority Living of Minnesota. Achieve higher levels of performance and greater satisfaction in your business and personal life. (more)
Podcast – Digital Transformation – Ray Blakney Operates an International Language Business
The world we live in is ever-more online. What does this all mean? Businesses need to prioritize digital transformation. Interview with Ray Blakney, CEO of Live Lingua online language school. Digital transformations don’t “just happen.” Take key steps to successfully make a digital paradigm shift. Learn from his digital lessons. (more)
Podcast – Biz Revolution – Martha Krejci is Revolutionizing Home-Based Careers for Women
Pushed upward by increased bandwidth, smarter smart phones, new ideas about work, and even workplace shakeups from Covid, we are in a home-based revolution. So who better to comment on this explosion than Martha Krejci, author of the new book “The Home-Based Revolution.” This self-described “high-vibin’” mama shares her perspectives on how you can build greater business success. (more)
Podcast – Heart-Centered – Personal Fulfillment Helps This CEO Grow 14 Businesses
Christan Hiscock is on a personal mission to change the conversation in the business world from the pursuit of success to focusing instead on fulfillment. He is the CEO of Kardia and leads 14 thriving businesses across a range of industries. Learn how to use a “heart-centered” approach to help reach your own business goals. (more)
Podcast –Franchise-Prenuer – Success Secrets in Owning a Franchisor Business
Have you always wanted to be a new business owner, but are scared of the risk? You can be your own boss and greatly reduce start-up risk by becoming a franchise owner. Interview with national franchisor Neel Parekh, to talk about how business franchising is all the rage. Learn some of his secrets in succeeding as a franchise owner and in following this tested business model. (more)
Podcast – Space-Out – Increase Your Home Office Productivity
Many home-based entrepreneurs put so much of their time and effort into building and maintaining their company that they overlook a crucial business detail: the actual office space they work in. Many new employees are also working from home and many households have more than one person working from home. So how then can your home office space increase productivity and allow you to work better? Interview with Dave Adams, Vice President at BDI furniture. (more)
Podcast – Biotech–Preneur – Elyse Dickerson Pushes Unique and Impressive Growth Story
Have you ever dreamed about partnering with the right team and building a break-out company in the fast-changing tech industry? Interview with Elyse Dickerson, co-founder and CEO of Eosera. She shares her unique experience as a female entrepreneur in biotech; along with advice in building a successful team. Further advice on penetrating the huge retail store distribution channel and Amazon sales. (more)
Podcast – Negotiating Sucks – Getting Everyone What They Really Want
Most people “suck” at negotiations–even if they think they don’t. Negotiation is all about handling emotions in the moment. You can be an experienced negotiator because you’ve done it many times or a lucky negotiator who has managed to come out on top more often than not. But none of those things help you navigate the minefield of emotions if you’re unprepared to handle them. interview with Gaëtan Pellerin, author of Mindful NEGOtiation. (more)
Podcast – Start-Up Secrets – What I Never Learned in B-School
We cannot learn enough from all the different start-up stories. Businesses in a particular industry can share unique lessons and biz-building advise for any entrepreneur. George Kramb and Patrick Frank are co-founders of the healthcare start-up PatientPartner; and Forbes 30 under 30 Entrepreneurs. They like to call out lessons learned that they could have never learned in business school. (more)
Podcast – Video-You – Get Your Audience to Respond to Video
Your marketing tool-box must contain a good balance of video content. But video has its own nuances and difficulties and critical success factors. Dallin Nead discusses how to make videos that your audience will respond to and improve your content marketing. (more)
Podcast – Think Big – Go From Entrepreneur to Influencer Icon
Have you ever thought about really thinking big? To leap from entrepreneur to Icon. Interview with foremost luxury marketing expert Kathryn Porritt. Learn how to establish your authority and higher-end market position. Commercialize your influence. (more)
Podcast – Boss Brain – Pandemic Creates Huge Demand for Service Businesses
For the 100 million Americans who want to be self-employed, the pandemic has created a unique opportunity. There is a HUGE increase in demand for service-based businesses. The ongoing pandemic has also led to shuttering of businesses. Interview with Boss Brain author Tra Williams. (more)
Podcast Quick Cash – Pros & Cons in Using a Business Credit Card
Take a longer, more strategic view on moving towards being your own boss. Author and Expert Melinda Emerson discusses how a 12 month focus on becoming an entrepreneur can smooth out the road with all the complexities of a start-up. (more)
Podcast Smoother Start-Up – Become Your Own Boss in 12 Months
Take a longer, more strategic view on moving towards being your own boss. Author and Expert Melinda Emerson discusses how a 12 month focus on becoming an entrepreneur can smooth out the road with all the complexities of a start-up. (more)
Podcast – Optimize Online – Gen Z’r Says to Ask the Questions Your Competitors Aren’t
Optimizing your online presence can result in major followings on social media, bringing new interest into your services, and filling your lead funnels with genuine prospects. How do you optimize your online presence in a way your competitors are not? interview with online marketing expert and Gen Z’r Luke Hyde. (more)
Podcast – Less Taxing – You’re Brain Dead to Not Own a Business
Tax season seems to always be upon us year ‘round. So it’s always a good time for anyone, business owner or not, to look for ways to decrease your taxes or increase your revenue. Courtney Epps, takes this one step further by saying that you would be unwise not to own a business. Courtney Epps is a well known Chief Financial Officer, Ted Talk veteran, and author of the appropriately named More Relaxing Less Taxing. (more)
Podcast – Bike Boom – Two Minnesota High School Friends Make Good in E-Bike Explosion
Two Minnesotans – Levi Conlow and Robby daisyl – struck out west and found success. Their Lectric eBikes exploded onto the electric bike scene and hit $14 million in sales their first year. Start-up journey provides great lessons. (more)
No matter what your business, you must make cold calling part of sales. Along with getting motivated to make the cold call, you have to know how best to communicate a cold call pitch. Interview with “cold call expert” Nicole Attias. (more)
Podcast – Zero to Hero – Secrets of a Megastar Influencer
Influencer marketing is growing in importance to small business success. Use social media to make more personal business connections; or make the leap to being an Influencer yourself. Elma Beganovich, with her sister Amra, are two megastar influencers, with over 2.2 million followers. (more)
Kelley Earnhardt Miller is one of the most prominent businesswomen in NASCAR today, and has written a book DRIVE: 9 Lessons to Win in Business and in Life. She knows what hard work, dedication, and thriving in a “man’s world” looks like. Her advice that will help any home-based entrepreneur to thrive. (more)
Podcast – COVID-19 Growth – Shift from Competition to Collaboration
Can entrepreneurs really turn pandemic obstacles post COVID-19 into opportunities for growth? Dr. Greg Reid Says YES. He is author of “Three Feet From Gold: Turn Your Obstacles Into Opportunities,” and he asks the question: what are you not seeing? (more)
Podcast – Virtual Negotiating – Be a Better Business Negotiator in Stay-At-Home COVID-19 world
Entrepreneurs must develop negotiation skills for a new virtual world. Impacts to bottom line will reach far beyond today’s crisis. Interview with Brian Buck, CEO of Scotwork North America, who can help you better negotiate when you cannot meet face-to-face. (more)
Keith Hall is president National Association for the Self-Employed, that represents 27 million entrepreneurs, a group hit hard by COVID-19. Updates on SBA support and advice to survive the pandemic, and to the millions who will transition from unemployment to self-employment. (more)
The COVID 19 crisis is leading to bursts of ingenuity. To curb for home exercise equipment, Emily Fukunaga, has created a weight listing device – the Makeweight – that uses food cans. Her fast start-up story provides lessons learned – with Kickstarter – on getting your product to market. (more)
Podcast – Working Remote COVID-19 – Key Success Factors to Make Tele-Working
With COVID-19, many businesses must now learn to work remotely. Panicked IT departments and CEO’s are scrambling to ensure employees can securely access company servers; and communicate with colleagues and customers. Interview with Jed Ayres CEO of IGEL. (more)
Podcast – Influence-Building in COVID-19 – Grow Your Business Reach in a Changing Virtual World
Your influence as a small business owner is key to long-term success. The COVID-19 pandemic is creating new challenges in the biz of influence building. In times of working remote, Stacey Hanke discusses adapting new tactics and techniques. (more)
Podcast – COVID-19 Opportunity – How Small Businesses Can Improve during the Pandemic
The coronavirus pandemic is slamming home-based businesses. Erin Joy says it’s time to join forces, educate one another, and find solutions for COVID-19 challenges. You can find business opportunities and better long-term prosperity. (more)
Podcast – SBA COVID-19 Funding – Paycheck Protection Program and other Emergency Financial Help
COVID 19 continues to rock our home-based business world, and many are in a mad scramble to stay afloat with SBA funding through the Paycheck Protection Program and emergency loans. Financial expert Gerri Detweiler helps us cut through all the red tape. (more)
Podcast – COVID-19 – Top Tips For Leading Your Teams Remotely
The Corona Virus has hit our business world with a huge bow wave. Now working from home is the norm, and everyone needs better virtual management skills, requiring stronger leadership to build cohesive teams. Interview with Psychologist Martin Lanik, author of The Leader Habit. (more)
Podcast – CBD Gold – New Green Rush Offers Business Opportunity
It’s the new gold Rush, or rather “Green Rush”. Every day another CBD brand or product is launched. What kind of business opportunities can CBD and hemp products offer a home-based entrepreneur? Interview with Sara Rose Kennedy, of the CBD website PuraPhy. (more).
Podcast – Side Hustle Freedom – Help Struggling Professionals Get Un-Stuck
Why do so many businesses struggle or fail? Too many owners fall short in marketing, branding, time management, goal setting and other key focus areas. Gary Barnes, known as the “The Breakthrough Business Mastery Coach,” will help you to master important business success factors. (more).
Podcast – Side Hustle Freedom – Help Struggling Professionals Get Un-Stuck
Half of the workforce is “checked-out.” Many people struggle with a job but are afraid to take risks. Ben Stein says enough of wasting your talents. He discusses his signature series “Side Hustle to Freedom,” to help you build your own business and become your own boss. (more).
Podcast – OD’ing to Success – Entrepreneur Ted McGrath Spreads his Good Enough Brand
We have all been to networking events, conferences, or other gatherings where we’re repeatedly asked the question, “what do you do?” Communications Guru Neil Gordon has easy-to-apply techniques and advice to help YOU be ready to “Sell Yourself” in 30 seconds. Follow his simple framework. (more).
Podcast – Elevator Pitch – Ready to Sell Yourself in 30 Seconds?
We have all been to networking events, conferences, or other gatherings where we’re repeatedly asked the question, “what do you do?” Communications Guru Neil Gordon has easy-to-apply techniques and advice to help YOU be ready to “Sell Yourself” in 30 seconds. Follow his simple framework. (more).
Podcast – Storytelling Start-Up – Newly-Minted MBA Launches Personalized Greeting Card Company
So what’s a newly minted MBA to do? Alex Kurkowski launched Tellinga, a personalized greeting card company. An inspiring start-up story that weaves business success with helping aspiring artists; and without being welded to the Internet! (more).
Podcast – Relationship Economy – Build Better Customer Connections in the Digital Age
Despite advancing technology, the disruptive force in business today is relationship building. Your humanizing touch is the most important part
of a great
customer experience. Put together a service plan to become your customers’ go-to resource. Interview with author and authority John DiJulius. (more).
Podcast – Cyber Security – Protect Your Home Business in 2020
Home-based businesses are disproportionately impacted by data breaches, and up to 60% can go under. Cyber security is a bottom-line issue that can make difference between a flourishing business or bankruptcy. Interview with cyber security expert Eli Sutton of Teramind. (more).
Podcast – Your $Worth – Calculate a Dollar Value for Your Business Time
So what’s your time worth? Home-based entrepreneurs have to figure out the value of their time, to achieve financial and professional goals. Author and mompreneur Romi Neustadt has the formula! (more).
Podcast – Shark Tank Start-Up – Deal Helps Launch SAT College Test Prep Business
What do you do after you hit a perfect score on the Scholastic Aptitude Test SAT? Shaan Patel was inspired to start a test prep business – Prep Expert – and to successfully pitch it to Marc Cuban on Shark Tank. Fascinating start-up story. (more).
Podcast – Fishing for Profits – How One Entrepreneur Hooked Major Retailers
Joe Pippins defied the odds and tragic situations to take his business to a whole new level by getting his innovative product “The Fishing Caddy” into competitive major retailers. Joe has an exciting story of overcoming retail challenges. (more).
Podcast – Business Acceleration – Get Your Home Business to the Next Level Fast
All home businesses run into roadblocks that prevent them from growing and succeeding. They need a business accelerator. That’s where April Shprintz of Driven Outcomes comes into play. Her techniques can help you focus in on key business goals. (more).
Podcast – Fitness Entrepreneur – Ashley Walter Triumphs in the Competitive Health & Wellness Industry
Can you tap into a hustle, get-it-done mindset while simultaneously prioritizing a “life-work” balance in a home business? Ashley Walter says YES. With her “Living With Ashley App,” she is a “Differentiator” in the over-saturated health and wellness market. (more).
Podcast – Hype Yourself – A Good Press Release is More Valuable Than Ever
Hyping yourself through a good old-fashioned press release is more critical than ever. You’ll also need a simple easy-to-construct press toolkit; and know how to reach the right contacts. Interview with PR expert Lucy Werner, author of “Hype Yourself.” (more).