Heart-Centered – Christan Hiscock – This CEO Grows 14 Businesses

Interview with “Heart-Centered” CEO Christan Hiscock

Too many business owners think that achieving financial success must be the ultimate goal in their entrepreneurial journey. However, one CEO and entrepreneur, Christan Hiscock, is on a personal mission to change the conversation in the business world, moving away from the pursuit of success, to focusing on fulfillment instead. Christan Hiscock is the CEO and co-founder of Kardia (https://HelloKardia.com), which offers what he terms “heart-centered” financial services to help people reach their goals. Christan is also a leader of 14 thriving businesses across a range of industries.

Richard “Capt’n” Henderson interviews Christan Hiscock, who shares advise that will help any home-based entrepreneur to achieve greater success through achieving greater fulfillment.

Subjects discussed in this podcast include:

  • What is Christan Hiscock and Kardia all about?
  • The spark that started it all with Christan and his multiple businesses
  • Why is Christan adamant about practicing his “heart-centered” business practices?
  • Why does Christan believe it is more important for business owners to strive for fulfillment rather than success?
  • What has been the biggest challenge that Christan had to overcame in his entrepreneurial journey?
  • Diversification is Challenging – How does Christan balance out leading 14 thriving businesses?
  • What is one thing a business owner can do today to get started in being more heart-centered in their business operations?

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Episode Sponsor: Lil’ Bubba * LilBubba.com

Interview Guests:

Christan Hiscock
Christan Hiscock, CEO of Kardia










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