Podcast – Efficiency Bitch – Melissa Leon on How Ambitious Women Can Have It All

Interview with Author, Consultant, CFO, and Mother Melissa Leon

Efficiency Bitch! There, I said it. But before you think I’m bad-mouthing my guest, Melissa Leon, know that she is the author of Efficiency Bitch – How Ambitious Women Can Have It All Without Doing It All. She uses the letters B.I.T.C.H. as an acronym to define the five areas she focuses on to live the life she designed: Bank, InBox, Time, Connection, and Harmony. Melissa has even trademarked the phrase!melissa leon

Melissa Leon is a 20-year corporate finance professional, a mother of three, an author, a small business owner, and a lover of as she says “having her cake and eating it too.” She is the owner of Two Sense Consulting (www.TwoSenseConsulting.com) as its CFO and has learned to be an expert on balancing life between work and family.

Subjects Discussed in Podcast Include:
• The heart of BITCH – “having your cake and eat it too?”
• Tips for women to better manage money and personal finances
* How can a female entrepreneur better manage her time and what Melissa calls their “inbox of life”?
• The importance of building a “strong village”
• The challenge for women who are working business around and raising kids
* Advice to anyone – men or women – on balancing multiple roles in life?
• what is ONE thing a listener can do tomorrow morning to start being their own “Efficiency Bitch?”

Episode Sponsor: Ad Benches * https://AdBenches.com

Interview Guest

melissa leon
Melissa Leon is a 20-year corporate finance professional, a mother of three, an author, and a small business owner,







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