Podcast – Nicole Attias – Cold Call Fear – Overcome Barriers to Making Critical Business-to-Business Phone Connections

Interview with Cold Call Expert Nicole Attias

Per Nicole Attias, no matter what your business, you must make cold calling part of that business. Social media platforms and email are all the norm in today’s communication – but none can replace the impact of your voice over the phone. NO ONE likes to pick up the phone and cold call, particularly when you might be cold calling someone you just met at a networking event.

Corporate Trainer and Consultant Nicole Attias

Along with getting motivated to make the cold call, you have to know how best to communicate in a cold call pitch. To get us up to speed in cold calling, Richard “Capt’n” Henderson and Sherilyn Colleen interview “cold call expert” Nicole Attias (www.prospect2win.com), who assists clients in recruitment, corporate training and sales.

Subjects Discussed in the Podcast:

  • What exactly is influence marketing?
  • How did Elma Beganovich get into influence marketing and rise to the top as an influencer?
  • How exactly do influence marketers generate revenue (beyond sponsored posts)?
  • What are some ways that a small business owner, who might lack a large marketing budget, use influence marketing?
  • The first step to becoming an influence marketer, for those who want to “take the leap” as an Influencer.
  • The future of influence marketing – where will the opportunities be?

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Episode Sponsor: City America * www.CityAmerica.com

Interview Guest:

Nicole attias
Cold Call Expert Nicole Attias









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