Small Businesses Win with DOL Court Overtime Rule Injunction


Burdensome, Complicated Rule for Small Businesses

The National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), the nation’s leading advocate and resource for self-employed and micro-businesses, today applauded the emergency injunction over the Department of Labor’s Overtime Rule.

“The bottom line is that this rule is just burdensome and complicated for America’s small business community,” said Katie Vlietstra, Vice President for Government Relations and Public Affairs. “The basic fact is that if the DOL would have evaluated the impact on small businesses and the overall economy, they would have found that it would have impacted them both negatively. From costs to labor management, this rule is bad news for small businesses.

“We are pleased that the court issued an emergency injunction blocking this unfair rule. America’s small business community wins with this ruling and can move forward by growing, expanding and saving.”

In May 2016, the Department of Labor announced its final overtime rule, which increases the salary threshold for overtime eligibility by 100% to $47,476. NASE supported a measure that would have slowed down this process.

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The National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE) is the nation’s leading resource for the self-employed and micro-businesses, bringing a broad range of benefits to help entrepreneurs succeed and to drive the continued growth of this vital segment of the American economy. The NASE Small Business Locator helps identify and connect our nation’s smallest businesses. In addition, NASE’s new health care portal helps small business owners navigate the nation’s health care marketplace. The NASE is a 501(c) (6) nonprofit organization and provides big-business advantages to hundreds of thousands of micro-businesses across the United States. For more information, visit the association’s website at

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