Small Business Community’s Response to President-Elect Trump’s Transition Video’s Focus on The First 100 Days and Excessive Regulation

Last night, President-elect Donald Trump released a YouTube video providing an update on the Presidential Transition underway, “including an outline of some of his policy plans for the first 100 days, and his day one executive actions.”

A significant part of last night’s video update was a focus on combatting excessive government regulation.  He addressed several initiatives including:

  • A new rule that for every new regulation issued, two existing ones must be eliminated.
  • A lifting of restrictions on American energy development including shale energy and clean coal development. (The Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council has noted through past research and work, entrepreneurs and small businesses dominate these sectors and are responsible for America’s energy renaissance.)

During the campaign, President-elect Trump also supported the following reform measures:

  • A moratorium (“pause and review”) on most new federal rulemakings.
  • The REINS Act, which would make Congress vote up-or-down on “major” final rules (those costing the economy $100 million or more).
  • A process to inventory existing rules to determine which are least critical.

In the first 100 days, the new president and Congress can work together to address several bipartisan issues that can support the small business community.

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