7 Tips for Creating a Video Marketing Strategy for Your Business

Blogger Making a Video

Video has always been a part of everyone’s lives ever since the advent of movies, animation, and commercials. Today, however, making videos has evolved not just as a means of entertainment, but into a rather powerful tool in marketing. Anyone can make a video now, from YouTube to Snapchat, Facebook Live, to Instagram Stories, making it so easy and free.

But, why use video as a means of marketing your business?

Video is becoming one of the lead content strategies in the world of marketing because it’s versatile, relatable, and memorable. This also takes into consideration the shortening of the attention span of people, especially those belonging to the younger generation. They want information fast, quick, and in an entertaining way.

A recent study by Diode Digital found that online video is an effective marketing tool as compared to print and direct mail combined. This means that more audience is reached and people’s response is greater to it as opposed to other marketing tools. In the U.S. alone, five million people watch online videos every day and 50% of these are watched on their mobile devices. The use of mobile devices has made accessibility to videos easier as you can watch anytime and anywhere.

Videos are everywhere. If you’re interested in more information about video marketing for business, click on this link. It’s better to be on the right side of history than to fight it. So, here are some tips for creating a video marketing strategy that’ll help your business grow:

1. Tell a Story That’ll Leave a Mark

Don’t be generic in making a video. The ones that really stand out are those which tell a good and clear story. Be clear with what you want to achieve and also with how you want to tell it. When you’re confused with what your message is then chances are your audience will be too. If they are, then you’ll not send an effective message. Video marketing for business appeals to the needs and desires of the audience and crafts them into the story that they tell.

Additionally, don’t be boring. There are a lot of stories that people have already heard a million times. Sometimes, the challenge is not to tell a different story but to present an old story in a more creative way that’ll make a mark.

Try to use humor if it matches your content. Humor is a powerful tool that people tend to remember. This is why fail videos and pranks are very popular on the web and shared by many users. However, don’t be insensitive. If the identity of your brand is not a fit with humorous content, then you don’t have to push it.

At the end of your video, always leave a call to action to your audience to fuel further engagement with your brand.

2. The First Ten Seconds Are Vital

Many of your targeted viewers will make the decision to click away or to continue on within the first ten seconds of your video. That’s why video experts recommend that you make your videos short yet drive straight to the point.

Try to spark the curiosity of your audience by throwing them questions or brain teasers that’ll capture their attention right away. Put yourself in your audience’s shoes and ask the question, “Why should I watch the video? What will I get out of it?”

Man Editing a Video

3. Create a Captivating Title

Sometimes, it all comes down to the title. The title of your video shouldn’t only be eye-catching or stimulating, but it should also make sense. There are a lot of people who use catchy words in their titles but their content is not connected. This kind of false advertising is clickbait. This is an easy way to lose the trust of your viewers because you are simply scamming them. Give them what they click your video for.

4. Always Keep SEO in Mind

Use relevant keywords in the title as well so that it will show up when you search for it in search engines. When your video is hard to find, your audience might lose interest when they want to search for it. Include well-written descriptions of your videos as well as relevant keywords. Ranking high in the search engines makes it easier for people to find your videos.

It’s also important to enable video embedding. This will help increase inbound marketing links. Embedding videos is like creating a backlink that enables your videos to place in search engine results. Higher visibility in search engines garners more views for your videos. More views mean more exposure and brand visibility.

5. Make Your Videos Mobile Friendly

With everyone on their phone nowadays, it’s vital that your content is always mobile-friendly.

According to YouTube, mobile video increases by 100% every year. Thus, videos that cannot be viewed properly on mobile phones are a big turn-off to people.

6. Aim for Good Video Quality

It’s good to hire a professional team that does videos well because they can provide you with great results. However, if pressed for budget, you can always work with freelancers or other teams.

Never compromise on video quality because even if your story is good but the video quality is not, then it will still end up disappointing people. Seek the advice of people who are experts in this area.

7. Build Hype

Create teasers before the launch of your final video to keep people on their toes.

Post short excerpts of your video on your social media to feed their curiosity. Share it on your Instagram Stories and Facebook My Day. As mentioned, post brain teasers or short questions that will intrigue them to know more. Then, make sure that you deliver what you promise.


Today, video marketing is easy and definitely rewarding! Always consider your audience, be clear, concise, and entertaining. Also, keep in mind that SEO ranking is important. Lastly, promote it!

As video marketing continues to thrive, it’s time to step up and start considering it as a good strategy. With these tips in mind, business success is not far off.

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