Why Video Marketing Works

Woman being filmed
Photo by CoWomen from Pexels

Authors: Brice Kelly and Willy Lavendel from Tetra Films

Ready to take the bull by the horns and make a cool extra million this year from your business so you can buy that vacation property you’ve always wanted?

If so then you might also be thinking about how you can start to use more video in your business so you can join the big leagues and kick some real competition with your business marketing and sales.

We’re going to break down why video marketing works so well and how you can start to integrate it into your business, and you’ll be kicking it in your new villa in no time. But first you need a bit of background about what video can do for you and your business.

Here are 3 examples that show video for business is definitely a growing trend:

  • A new report by Animoto shows that 93% of marketers say video is responsible for landing them a new customer. https://animoto.com/blog/industry-news/social-video-trends-marketers-say-vs-do-infographic/
  • Studies show that 74% of users who watched an explainer-video about a product subsequently bought it. https://www.wyzowl.com/video-marketing-statistics-2016/
  • You’re 53 times more likely to show up first on Google if you have a video embedded on your website. https://www.searchenginepeople.com/blog/video-content-ranking.html

The stats show that video is a powerful tool. It looks to me like it communicates better than a real human! Probably because on video you can cut out all the Ums and Ahhs. Take a look at the following video where we run you through some of the ways that video helps save you time, money and builds your authority. You might want to follow along with the accompanying workbook while you watch cause there are a bunch of forms in there that you’ll find helpful to make your own videos.

Link to Video Workbook https://tetrafilms.mykajabi.com/opt-in

Link to Video 1 on YouTube for your reference https://youtu.be/55IrcTD9g7k

If you follow the steps outlined in the workbook you’ll learn how to leverage video to help you drive revenue growth, improve margins and automate your communications. In short, you’ll be a superstar celebrity in no time, and you’ll have no problems getting people to do the everyday mundane things you hate to do, like feed you, or wash your ears…

In summary if you want to be a high roller you should know:

  • Businesses are using more and more video for VERY good reasons
  • Cost is less than ever before
  • Quality is better than ever
  • The opportunities are massive

Tip – Start to watch for where and how you consume or use video as a consumer, both for business and personal… keep the details to yourself please… that should help bring more awareness about how you can integrate video into your business communications… and maybe show you how much time you waste on Netflix.

Video Saves You Time

Video can save you massive amounts of time in your current operations for a couple of reasons.

Video Conveys Your Message Faster – Unless your website visitors have crazy speed-reading skills, it’s a safe bet that they digest information they see and hear faster than information they read. Because of this, videos are a great way to get your message across in a format viewers will quickly and easily digest.

We’re not saying video should completely replace written content, or to Insta Story your entire life but video is a great complement to your copy and will strengthen your message overall.

Video Never Sleeps – Search engines LOVE new content, whether it’s fresh copy, a new blog post, a press release, or a custom video. Every time you add content, your search engine rankings will see an uptick and so will your bank account… Learjet here we come!

So, why not go the extra mile and deliver your fresh content in video format? FYI you can maximize the benefit of improved SEO by sharing the video through your social media networks.

Link to Video 2 on YouTube for your reference https://youtu.be/DdEkl4MuiwY

Free Up Time – Answer Your FAQs with Video – Think about how much time you spend answering your customers’ same boring questions over and over. Fill out the FAQ form in the workbook to pinpoint the top 5 FAQ’S you find yourself regularly responding to.

Once you’ve filled out that form, use the Should Ask Questions (SAQ) form on the following page and then record those videos… so easy. If you’re having issues call me… but not on weekends cause I’m watching Netflix like you.

Link to Video 3 on YouTube for your reference https://youtu.be/EpGLPXEcrws

Bonus Tip – For SAQ’s: Think about the questions that your prospect or client should be asking. Remember your clients didn’t spend 10 years learning about your respective field like you did.

For example, if you are a professional bacon critic and know everything about bacon there is to know, you will have to lead them down the luxurious bacon path, so they can make a wise bacon choice that will serve them well on their future bacon endeavor. In order to do this, you could construct a SAQ to inform them of in-depth bacon intricacies they never dreamed of like “How much bacon is too much bacon?” or “Should my bacon be free range, organic and come pre-massaged?”

You get the point.

Using video to answer your FAQ’S and SAQ’S will position you as an authority in your field and save you hours of time qualifying new bacon prospects because you can show off your amazing bacon knowledge.

In layman’s terms you can automate the work that you do every day by putting your repetitive tasks into videos. This can be used for education, training, sales and more. Not convinced? How much is an hour of your time worth? $100 per hour? How much time do you spend explaining the same things over and over? 100 hours a year (I bet way more because it’s probably what you do most of the day). By putting that info on videos you’d save $10,000.

Video Saves You Money

That’s right video saves you money… so you can buy that Rolex you so desire. How? Well, let me tell you…

No Need to Spend So Much on Marketing Campaigns – Videos help you increase your reach without shelling out more than your budget permits. And yes, you can finally stop delivering those flyers you were dropping off one by one at your neighbours’ houses.

Just as you can increase your reach by integrating your blog with social media networks, you can do the same with custom videos. Sharing your videos on your website and social media networks allows visitors to share your videos on their profiles, creating an opportunity for your videos to go viral.

Boost Regular Visits to Your Website – Getting someone to visit your website once is a good thing; getting them to come back over and over again is the best
thing. Every time someone comes back to your website, it’s an opportunity to expose them to your value propositions and encourage them to take specific buying actions.

A great way to get people to regularly visit your website is to add exciting, engaging and useful videos that deliver your targeted message and provide value to viewers. This benefit is especially true if you are using video to educate your website visitors about an issue, topic, or other area of concern.

Create a Profile Video – People need to know who you are and what you offer. It’s always a good idea to create a profile video that talks about who you are and what you are doing, especially if you are selling bacon. Sorry… I’m just getting hungry and I can smell the pork frying in the kitchen. Please forgive me Vegans.

Profile videos should explain how you are contributing and how your company will add value. Answer the questions in the profile video template in the workbook to get you started on your profile video script.

Link to Video 4 on YouTube for your reference https://youtu.be/_YUBWoiz5_M

Video Makes You an Authority

Did you ever buy something because you saw a celebrity promote it? Maybe you have an iron-will and can’t be subconsciously influenced by influencers and celebrity endorsements, but I think it’s time for me to be honest… I was definitely influenced by this Jessica Simpson’s Dessert Beauty Treats line ad so much that I had to get some chocolate cake flavored lip-gloss.

Give Your Company a Personality – You can’t claim to be a hip, cool, fun company that is dedicated to solving its customers’ problems and delivering on their needs if you’re not using video. A super effective way to accurately present your company culture and personality is by showing your team in action on video.

Stand Out – Video is a great way to differentiate yourself from your competition. The simple truth is, companies that have the vision, creativity and ability to put a living, breathing representation of their company and product/service on their website will have a major advantage over their competition. Whether your industry is highly commoditized or highly specialized, utilizing custom videos on your website will make you stand out.

Complete Your First Testimonial Video – Having testimonials is a sure-fire way to boost your credibility, gain more online traction and help secure more sales. Nothing speaks louder than past clients expressing how your service or product enhanced their lives. Imagine what you’d like your customers to say about you. Answer the questions in the testimonial template in this workbook as if you were one of your own happy customers to start preparing your first customer testimonial video.

Link to Video 5 on YouTube for your reference https://youtu.be/1GBQgXFbq2k

In summary, video kicks butt like Bruce Lee and video marketing is probably hands down the best communications en mass. Video marketing works because its dynamic, it allows you to be available 24/7, and it helps you automate repetitive tasks that waste your time. If you’d like more information on video marketing or video production in general, reach out to us, we’d love to hear your thoughts.

About the Authors

Brice and Willy are immortal video creationists (they’re not actual Creationists… but are definitely curious about Flat Earth nuts) who love video, film and communication. They run Tetra Films, a Video Production company in Vancouver. They produce and direct and consult on a wide variety of educational, marketing, communications and broadcast content for their clients (friends as they like to call them). They must have taken their own advice and used video marketing… because you will regularly find them eating bacon in their comfortable vacation homes nestled on the coast of lavish Greece…

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