10 Real Ways to Make Money from Home

Woman Making Money from Home

It’s a dream come true for many people to be able to make money online. Some even decide to quit their traditional 8-5 job so that they can focus on being an entrepreneur once they start to earn a decent income with their online ventures. It makes sense since making money online allows you to be with your family and spend more time with them. You can also take back control of your time and your life by becoming your own boss.

While online employment offers a wide range of benefits, many fraudulent companies have also surfaced to scam job seekers, and it’s something that everyone should be wary about before taking a step. Don’t stop searching for an online gig though, as there are still real ways to make money from home that will change your life for the better. Red flags include a company requesting sensitive information from you, a job with offers too good to be real pay, and the need to deposit money before you can start working on a project.

Job seekers who carefully do their search can avoid scams and land their dream jobs. An online gig can be a part-time opportunity to supplement your income from your full-time work, or it can also be a full-time career itself.

This post will share ten real ways to make money from home. Some of the jobs below have flexible schedules, and you can do them on a freelance basis.

Online Tutor

There are online teaching jobs out there if you love teaching kids and young adults. You only need an undergraduate degree to be able to teach English and other areas of expertise. Also, some universities and colleges now offer online education, and you can be part of the innovation by applying as a part-time instructor. For English tutorials, you may also need an English As Secondary Language certification, especially if teaching individuals who speak a different language.

Transcription Specialist

You can also make money from home by transcribing audios or videos. For this kind of job, you need to have up-to-date technology for your PC or use tools to become more efficient. Other than a newer computer and software tools, it would also be best to have noise-canceling headphones and a transcription foot pedal.

If you want to become more productive, you’ll need a quiet working environment. A fast and highly accurate typing skill is also a major requirement and will be of great help. If you want to be ahead of the competition, a transcriptionist certification will do wonders for you.

Telemarketer for Cold-Calling Campaigns

If you’re a well organized, skillful communicator, and have years of experience in customer service, then you may qualify as a telemarketer. You can work from home and do cold-calling campaigns for some companies.

Depending on how well you perform, you may earn a commission and incentives on top of the hourly pay you’ll get as a telemarketer. You can start by applying through freelancing websites or connect with companies hiring home-based telemarketers directly. Please keep in mind, though, that you don’t have to pay the company for every lead you’ll use to do cold-calling; they should be the ones to provide the information for free.

You can also use this to do b2b appointment setting for companies. All you have to do is find a business in your local area looking to get in touch with a certain demographic, and book appointments for them, for a fee.

Survey Taker

Did you know that you can also earn money from home by taking product or job surveys? You only have to make sure that you’re going to do it for a legitimate company. Many businesses are willing to spend money for them to get into the minds of consumers, especially if they’re going to launch a new offer in the market. You can take advantage of it and receive gift cards, cash, and other prizes via their apps to make money. The good thing about taking surveys is that it will only require at least two hours of your time every week.

Home Office

Virtual Assistant or VA

If you’re excellent at meeting deadlines and are a highly organized individual, then you can make money by working as a virtual assistant. Most business owners who are too busy would hire a VA to help them free a portion of their time. As a VA, you’ll work on managing schedules, answering phone calls, sending emails, arranging travels, updating sales records, accounting, and other administrative tasks. It’s a fast-growing field, so you should have top-notch communication skills.

It’s essential to note that there are different types of virtual assistants, depending on the line of business of the client. Some focus on real estate; others work on drop shipping or eCommerce stores. Some VAs also help develop websites. That said, it helps if you can find the field where you can be most comfortable and have related experience.

Affiliate Marketer

Do you have a website or maintain a blog business? If that’s the case, then affiliate marketing is also worth checking out if you want to make money from home. Using the content you have written on your website, you’re going to partner with businesses and brands. You’ll sign up for an affiliate program and receive a unique code. You can use that unique code every time you mention a product or service and link to it. Any time an internet user buys a product or service through the link you have provided on your content, you’ll earn money.


Consulting is another real way to make money from home or online. You can provide counsel to people if you have expertise in any field. You can help others achieve their goals, may it be a personal one or business-related, and get paid for it.

Google AdSense Partner

This is another perk of having a blog or website and a considerable following. You can allow ads everywhere on your website by becoming a Google AdSense partner. It’s something that would yield small returns in the beginning, but when traffic to your website steadily grows, making money from home as a Google AdSense partner can turn into a lucrative opportunity.

Online Course Creator

Setting up an online course is another way to make money from home, especially if you have a specific skill that you can teach to other people over the internet. You can give instructions on how to cook, write books, do bookkeeping, and perform digital marketing, among others.


One of the hottest platforms to make money online today is YouTube. You can create a channel and start uploading videos as you talk about any topic that may interest users. Once your following grows, monetizing your YouTube channel becomes possible.


The things mentioned and discussed in this post are only some of the many legitimate ways to make money from home. If you have the skill and the passion for building an income stream online, then you can start by trying out the careers above.

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