How to Build an Effective Email Marketing Team Structure

Photo by fauxels from Pexels

Email marketing is an excellent source of revenue for digital marketers who know how to design and write email copy.

As straightforward as it might seem, it is not a one-person job. You need a team of experts who can add value to your email marketing strategy in their unique ways. Collaboration is key to the success of any business strategy, digital or otherwise.

Of course, you’ll need tools like the digital whiteboard from Miro to sync ideas and formulate a coherent email campaign. But with the right people on your team, the time spent working together will be worth it.

Read ahead to see how to departmentalize your team to create and run an effective email marketing campaign.

  • Strategy Team


A strategist understands your business’s marketing goals, customers, budget, and lifecycle email marketing to develop the most appropriate plan for your email marketing campaign. They consider all the stages of a customer’s lifecycle when they execute triggered emails.

A strategist helps to:

  • Understand where, when, and how your emails can be profitable
  • Determine the best opportunity for revenue generation
  • Recognize product categories with a high margin or those business areas where it is easy to get orders

A good strategist helps streamline the process by understanding what and how to set something correctly on the first try, saving you time.

  • Creative Team


Anyone can draft an email and send it to their customers. However, mere words can’t excite readers and convert them into customers. You need an experienced copywriter to draft the most compelling text which can sell the message, drive engagement, and improve open and click-through rates.

An email copy differs from a webpage copy because people’s attention spans differ when reading emails. They could read it off their phones while on a bus or from their desktops in their homes.

To cater to such a diverse audience, a copywriter must write a copy that motivates readers and improves your campaign results. A powerful copy can cover a bad design or a generalized email because relevant content ultimately ropes people in.


Unlike designers for webpages or social media channels, an email designer must:

  • Develop email designs that are compatible with different devices such as mobiles, desktops, and tablets
  • Incorporate various elements of personalized content and visual design
  • Know all design constraints modern email inboxes such as Outlook and Gmail have
  • Understand how to utilize typography for emails and how it can affect conversions

A good designer knows how to present your brand, products, and content using white space, contrast, and colors to drive more conversions from readers.

  • Management


An optimization team is responsible for continuously running A/B testing on emails to alter and optimize campaigns according to what works best with clients. They should test all types of campaigns, including cart abandonment, welcome series, win-back, etc., to determine how to improve revenue from each campaign.

Some of the things an optimizing team should test are as follows:

  • Messaging
  • The offer
  • Subject lines
  • Email copy
  • Number of sent emails
  • Email personalization
  • Design
  • Campaign strategy
  • Recommendations

Optimizers can also use an email blast service to enhance an email campaign’s effectiveness further.

  • Technical Team

Front-End Developer

Since there are numerous devices today to read emails on, a front-end developer must create an email template compatible with all email clients and devices. This is different from web developers who focus on browser pages.

Email clients use engines that are not as technologically developed as web pages, and there is a lack of rendering standards across them which can be good for one client but terrible for the other.

Email developers have to face challenges and tackle these complaints using various hacks and solving issues practically to improve your campaigns.

Quality Assurance Team

When you send a massive number of emails, you have to ensure they work on different devices and apps people have. The QA team should use tools to see if email campaigns work on the following:

  • Outlook 2013
  • Apple Mail 8
  • Outlook 2016
  • Android
  • iPad Pro
  • iPad Air
  • iPhone
  • and many more

The team is responsible for fixing any bugs. If the emails don’t open, look strange, and have a CTA button that doesn’t work, the readers won’t follow through regardless of the copy’s quality. A QA team strives to make the campaigns run seamlessly and resolve all issues promptly.


With the massive number of email users in the world today and the comprehensive technologies and techniques in the digital world, it is essential to not only use email marketing as a technique but also to carry out the campaigns efficiently.

Since emails need a powerful copy and good design and device compatibility, every person and sub-teams within an email marketing team is essential because they all work on their areas of expertise. When qualified experts handle the different functions of a marketing campaign, they form an effective and well-developed email marketing team that gets results.

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