How to Increase Your Conversions – Ultimate Beginner’s Guide

Increased Conversions

When it comes to your business, you want to score as many conversions as possible.

Conversions can be anything from signups to your email list to purchases from your website. These actions keep your audience engaged and help you yield a profit.

So, how do you get more conversions? It can be tricky to figure out precisely what compels your consumers to take action.

Increasing your number of conversions is more of an art than a science. However, there are some key points you should keep in mind.

Here is the ultimate beginner’s guide to increasing your conversions.

Understand Your Sales Funnel

Don’t have a sales funnel yet? Not even sure what a sales funnel is? Not to fear!

A sales funnel is a model that explains how a consumer might interact with your brand. In general, you can expect the model to feature these stages:

  • Awareness. This stage is how someone first comes across your company.
  • Interest. Interest develops as the customer starts exploring your website, asking questions, etc.
  • Decision. An individual may use a variety of resources to make a decision (research, calling your company, etc.).
  • Action. Ultimately, you want your audience to complete an action. This action could be requesting a quote, buying a product, etc.

When you define your sales funnel, you put yourself in your customer’s shoes. It helps you understand their actions and what may deter them from converting.

For instance, you may realize that you’re getting a lot of people to click on your ad. This activity means that awareness probably isn’t the issue.

However, if people aren’t taking action once they land on your website, then other stages of your sales funnel may be the issue.

As you can see, knowing your sales funnel will help you pinpoint problem areas and adjust your conversion campaigns accordingly.

Test, Test, Test

Too many entrepreneurs overlook the importance of testing. How are you going to know if your campaigns are working without hard data?

Sites like Convertica offer A/B testing services that you can use to boost your conversions. You can also run tests with tools like Optimizely, AB Tasty, etc.

Start by choosing an element on your site that may drive more conversions if you change it. For this example, let’s say you want to change your “Buy Now” button from blue to red.

You can use an A/B testing tool to test the new version of your page. It will send half of your traffic to the old page and half to the new. You can see which option performs better and make it your new permanent page.

A/B testing is an excellent place to start. Once you start getting more traffic, you can use other methods such as split testing to collect even more useful data.

Use Common Tricks

There are plenty of foolproof ways to instantly increase your conversions. Some of the most popular include:

  • Make the action as smooth and clear as possible (use legible fonts, limit the number of form fields, etc.)
  • Use direct verbs in your call-to-actions
  • Limit distractions on your page

These methods tend to work for any conversion campaign. However, keep in mind that you may need to adjust based on your business and audience.

Keep At It

Most businesses don’t increase their conversions overnight. As long as you keep at it and use these tips, you’ll be on your way to more leads and sales!

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