Simple Solutions to Personalize Your Home


Regardless of whether you’re moving into a newly purchased home or a house you’ve just started renting, the first thing you want to do is give it your personal touch and make it your own. The idea is to transform the house you picked as your personal space, into one which you can call home. And you can do it in a number of ways, according to your tastes and set budget.

1. Personalize a Room with Wall Paint

Create a unique experience in each room by painting one of the walls in a specific color. Accent walls are a great way of adding your personal touch. A color not only enhances the design of the room itself but allows you to choose between ‘warm’ or ‘cool’ colors, depending on the ambience you want to create in said room.

For instance, if you want to choose warm and welcoming colors for your home office, opting for an autumnal color scheme may very well be the way to go! Want to take it a step further? Why not complete your room layout with your favorite artefacts or souvenirs from your favorite holidays? One thing to keep in mind is the room’s use. You want it to reflect its purpose. You certainly don’t want to have a wall crammed with trinkets to the point it won’t allow you to concentrate, or worse off, end up giving you a headache. Less is more.

2. Choose a Bespoke Wallpaper Pattern

Photo by Designecologist from Pexels

If you’re someone who loves implementing things on a grand scale, a good way to personalize a room is by picking a bespoke wallpaper pattern. You could give individual life to the different rooms in your house by customizing the appearance of the wall with wallpaper. Each room can have its own theme. Or, if you prefer consistency, you can pick one theme and maintain it throughout your home, using different patterns for each room.

The kind of wallpaper you choose should be considered carefully, not just in terms of appearance and design. For instance, in a bathroom you may actually need a special type of wallpaper that’s able to withstand the heat that’s typical from warm baths in winter. The same can be said if one room tends to have a bit more humidity than another.

3. Bring Milestones and Memories to Life with Storyboards

Making a house a home goes beyond choosing your preferred color scheme or using that vintage wallpaper you had your heart set on. One of the best ways of giving your favorite room a personal touch is by creating photo tiles for your wall. And there’s no better place to get some great inspiration than at

The first step is to identify a space where you can hang such photos tiles. Get the family involved, so rather than another DIY task, it’s turned into a fun-packed family activity, where you can all reminisce on good times, and possibly plan more activities to create new memories.

Add another element of excitement by getting your family to suggest wall names. Whether it’s a catchy name or a phrase the entire family can identify, it’s really up to you! Perhaps you could base it on an inside joke, or an unforgettable memory you all remember fondly. Here’s where your creativity comes into play.

Once you’ve done this, sit together and sift through all your photos, pick the best of the lot and have the entire family weigh in on which photos should make it to the storyboard wall.

4. Freshen Up Your Space with Flowers

Photo by Jessica Lewis Creative from Pexels

Everybody loves a room that looks and feels fresh. And what better way to do it than with a bouquet of flowers?

Nothing could be easier: just pick out a fresh bunch of flowers every day — you could get them from your garden if you have one, or from the neighborhood nursery — and place them in a vase that’s easy on the eyes. And with flowers it’s not just the look, what adds to the freshness is the fragrance too. So be sure to pick flowers with scents you know you’ll find pleasant!

5. Create a Cozy Reading Corner

If you wish to add a degree of gravity and elegance to your house, the best way to do it is to set up a library. But what if space constraints prevent you from doing so? The way out, in that case, is to set up a reading corner.

All you need to do is choose a cozy spot in your humble abode and equip it with the necessary tools. It needn’t be over the top. An elegant book rack or shelf to hold your favorite, go-to reads and a comfy armchair you can sink into for hours should suffice. And, if you’re a coffee or tea lover, don’t forget a side table — you might think it’s extra, but once you’re all snuggled up and want to balance your hot mug, book and blanket, you’ll be thankful you’ve factored in this furniture piece!

6. Don’t Forget the Right Flooring

Photo by PNW Production from Pexels

According to MyFloors, the best way to lend character to the overall look and feel of your home is to get work done when it comes to the floor area. Make sure to consider budgeting costs. Investment in this part of your home is highly dependent on whether it’s own property or not. You certainly don’t want to incur hefty renovation costs your landlord wouldn’t dream of paying for. Bare floors are great, but what could make a difference is the material and texture. Wooden flooring would be a great option for some, and for others it could be granite.

Another great way to personalize the floor space of a specific room is to add a rug or fluffy carpeting. If it’s the bedroom, the best place to introduce such cozy extras would be around and under the bed.

7. Accentuate a Room with Elegant and Stylish Light Fixtures

The lights you use brighten up the rooms and one way of ensuring they get the attention of every visitor is to use light fixtures that are elegant and stylish. For instance, a light fixture with bamboo paneling could lift up the aura of the living room, while a standard fixture would be hardly noticeable.

Introducing a light fixture at a strategic point in a room can completely remove the monotony that comes with having one central bulb fixture at the center of each room.

8. Personalization for Convenience: Having an Individual Space for Your Keys Helps

Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash

Personalization is not just about the overall appearance and look and feel; it’s also about convenience. One of the main problems we tend to face is trying to figure out where we left the car or house keys.

A good way to take care of this problem is to create a central repository for all the keys in the house. And it’s easy to do this; just identify one central spot on the wall, preferably towards the exit, where you can fix a set of hooks to dangle the keys from.  If you don’t want to spoil the walls by drilling in holes, simply place a large bowl where all the keys could be kept.

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