Dennis Crimmins Shares the Impact of Supply Chain Delays on the Construction Industry in 2022

Photo by Mikael Blomkvist from Pexels

Supply chain delays have already begun to affect the construction industry, and they expect to continue for the next few years. The delays are due to several factors, including the COVID-19 pandemic, which has disrupted production and shipping schedules worldwide. In addition, industry experts like Dennis Crimmins in Alamogordo, New Mexico, say new environmental regulations have put pressure on factories to reduce emissions. As a result, it has caused them to slow down production.

What Is a Supply Chain Delay?

Dennis Crimmins says that when a product delays in the supply chain, it can have a ripple effect that throws off the entire production process. A supply chain delay occurs for several reasons, from supplier issues to transportation problems. Regardless of the cause, a delay can result in lost sales, frustrated customers, and even production shutdowns. Sometimes, a single delayed shipment causes an entire company to grind to a halt.

While delays are always inconvenient, they can also be expensive. The cost of a supply chain delay can include everything from storage fees to the cost of expedited shipping. Sometimes, waits can even lead to production shutdowns, costing a company millions. Even a slight delay can significantly impact today’s global economy, where just-in-time delivery is the norm.

Fortunately, there are steps for companies to take that mitigate the risk of supply chain delays. By building solid relationships with suppliers and establishing clear lines of communication, companies can minimize the chances of delays occurring in the first place. Additionally, companies can develop contingency plans to deal with delays when they do occur. By being prepared for delays, companies can minimize their negative impact and keep their operations running smoothly.

What Causes Supply Chain Delays?

Several factors cause delays in the supply chain. Some of the most common causes are disruptions at the supplier level. When suppliers experience problems, it can cause delays in the production and delivery of products.

Additionally, Dennis Crimmins says transportation disruptions can also cause delays. Everything from bad weather to traffic accidents can throw off delivery schedules and result in delays. In some cases, even simple things like customs delays can result in significant supply chain disruptions.

The Impact of Supply Chain Delays on Construction

In 2022, the world economy is rebounding from the pandemic-induced recession of 2020 and 2021. However, this rebound is likely uneven, with some sectors recovering more quickly than others. One sector expected to lag in the recovery is construction. This is partly due to the long lead times associated with most construction projects. As a result, any delays in the supply chain can have significant impacts on the completion of a project.

In recent years, supply chain disruptions have become more common due to natural disasters, political instability, and trade disputes. These disruptions can cause delays in the delivery of materials and equipment, resulting in cost overruns and schedule delays. The problem expects to worsen in 2022 and early 2023, as the world economy rebounds and construction activity increases. This is due to a higher demand for construction materials and equipment. However, the supply chains will still struggle to recover from the pandemic.

The impact of delayed construction projects can be felt throughout the economy. For example, delays can lead to higher rents as landlords wait for their properties to be completed. They can also cause problems for businesses relying on the new space for their operations. In addition, delayed construction projects can create a ripple effect throughout the supply chain, causing further delays and disruptions.

The best way to avoid these problems is to plan for them. Construction companies should work with their suppliers to ensure that they have contingency plans in place for disruptions. They should also build flexibility into their schedules to account for potential delays. By being prepared for supply chain disruptions, construction companies can minimize the impact on their projects and the economy.

What Can Be Done About Supply Chain Delays?

There are a few things that construction companies can do to mitigate the impact of supply chain delays. First, they can work with their suppliers to develop better communication and coordination plans. This ensures that materials ship when needed and that there are no surprises along the way.

Second, construction companies can stock up on materials likely to be in high demand. This helps avoid project delays due to waiting for materials to arrive. Finally, construction companies can develop relationships with multiple suppliers to source materials from various places in case of shortages.


Supply chain delays already impact the construction industry in 2022 and expect to continue for the next few years. As shared by Dennis Crimmins, the delays affect construction projects in several ways, including increasing costs, delaying schedules, and decreasing the quality of some materials. There are a few things that construction companies can do to mitigate the impact of these delays. However, it is essential for all those involved in construction projects to be aware of the potential problems.

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