5 Ways RPA Will Improve Your Team’s Daily Work

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As waves of modern digital technology continue to be incorporated into more and more business processes, Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and the myriad ways they will change our lives become the most debated subject nowadays among senior management. The beauty of RPA is it introduces non-invasive technology without disrupting underlying legacy systems. These robots can be easily customized to recognize patterns, gather and extract knowledge, reason, learn, and even adapt to new environments or situations.

Have you ever come to consider adopting RPA technology for automating and improving your business processes, but are still unsure? A team of tech professionals from Connection Consult specialized in blending Software Development and Process Automation for various industries, put together a list of the top 5 benefits of automation software and how it can make work more efficient.

Saving time

Until recently, tasks like validating information in a form or registering new customers and suppliers took a long time. While RPA isn’t a replacement for all of the tasks and positions in a business — later on we will see it’s quite the opposite — it can complete data-centric jobs in a fraction of the time it takes a human employee to do the same work.

And because RPA software does not need a break, you can use it to your advantage 24/7 and 365 days a year. This is actually saving time for both your business processes as well as for your team. Generally speaking, one RPA robot can perform as many tasks as 2-5 full-time employees can achieve manually, therefore your workers will have more time on value-driven tasks.

Reducing data errors

Since employees are human, there is always a chance for mistakes. However, even minor mistakes may cost you a lot when you have a business to run. To increase the accuracy of daily work, RPA offers improved services to processes with a high probability of human error.

Recent studies have shown up to 20% of one’s daily to-do list is spent on repetitive computer tasks and low-level tasks. Therefore, the human error only exacerbates the situation. The best part here is that robots follow all rules to the dot. Thereby, they provide 100% accuracy in the process results. Moreover, let’s not forget what makes this deal very appealing — the fast implementation of this technology.

Improving business results at optimal cost

RPA implementation can help organizations reduce over 65% of their costs and achieve ROI within six months of implementation. The bots do not interfere with the inherent systems and provide great consistency.

This is, in fact, the main principle of RPA — let human employees work on what humans excel at, and let robots handle the tasks that get in the way. With RPA speeding up processing times and reducing costly errors, processing costs decline and per-employee output increases by between 25% and 50%.

Enhance customer satisfaction

When it comes to customer service, it is well known that this high-maintenance, high-commitment process requires a large amount of time and attention from employees. Delays in responding to customer inquiries can be a huge hurdle and can seriously damage your reputation in the market. Research shows that improving the customer experience will boost loyalty and reduce customer service costs by 10 to 25 percent.

This is where RPA comes into being! By automating IT tickets and customer service emails, RPA can significantly improve response times with touch-free technology. Moreover, with more time on their hands, skilled and proficient workers can address customer care, solving the problems that can’t be solved with automation.

Improving employee retention

Busywork has only increased in today fast moving world and has become so rampant that most of our time is spent doing something other than the jobs we were hired to do. Forty percent of employees are likely to leave their jobs in the next three to six months. It comes as no surprise that in a work environment where well over half of activities involve some combination of emails, administration, interruptions and meetings, our ability to engage our conscious mind is at an all-time low.

RPA can help with many tasks. In accounting, for instance, before automation, the staff had to spend more time coming up with reports than analyzing them. One catalyst behind RPA creating new jobs is that the dynamic of RPA bots gives people the time to dedicate to in-depth analysis.

As this advanced technology is revolutionizing process efficiencies and increasing productivity across companies, RPA is an element of intelligent automation that firmly roots your business in the 21st century. Although robotic process automation can have its challenges, it still offers an incredible number of benefits to any business, large or small. Before incorporating RPA, brainstorm with the right RPA consulting company and figure out which processes can be automated to give your business the most benefits.

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