5 Desk Essentials for an Efficient Work Environment

Woman in an office

One of the best things about working from home is that you have full control over your work environment. You might be asking yourself, “What exactly is the ideal home office space?”

From desks to chairs and beyond, there are many products that claim to be necessary for your health as you work. Don’t worry about trying out everything for yourself because we’ve narrowed it down to the essentials.

Keep reading to learn about 5 desk essentials for an efficient work environment.

1. An L-Shaped Desk

The type of desk you use is important because it provides the foundation for everything you do in your work environment.

An L-shaped desk is a perfect design because it allows for maximum desk space while actually taking up less space overall. You’ll never have to reach for anything that’s out of the way again.

2. Computer Glasses

For eye health, doctors recommend that when working at your computer you should look away from the screen every twenty minutes for twenty seconds. Constantly staring at a screen can give you a digital eye strain that temporarily blurs your vision. It might even become permanent so it’s important to avoid as much strain as possible.

Another way to prevent this problem is by wearing computer glasses that reduce the strain on your eyes by filtering out the light. It’s an office must-have.

3. An Ergonomic Mouse

The classic design of a mouse is not ergonomic and can actually cause carpal tunnel syndrome or arthritis.

By investing in an ergonomic mouse, one that fits your hand shape more naturally, you can avoid those health issues while also being more comfortable in general.

4. Over-Ear Headphones

Listening to music while you work is a wonderful way to relax a bit even though it’s crunch time.

Over-ear headphones are beneficial because they can reduce external noise and distractions but they are not as damaging to your hearing as earbuds. But even with over-ear headphones, it’s important for your health that you limit both the volume and the amount of time you use them.

Another option would be to buy a Bluetooth speaker instead. JBL speakers, for example, can make it sound like you have musicians in your home.

5. House Plants

Although many of us don’t have the option to work in the great outdoors, you can still bring some of Mother Nature’s love into your work environment by purchasing some house plants.

Plants are a great way to spruce up the look of your office place while also purifying the air you breathe. Snake plants are a popular indoor plant because they are very low maintenance and need water about once a week. They will require direct sunlight, though, so make sure you place them near a window or a sliding glass door.

Ready to Add These 5 Desk Essentials to Your Office Supply List?

Now that you know which home desk essentials belong on your office supply list, you can go out and start shopping.

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