The Beauty of Blogging: 5 Reasons Blogging Is Essential for Your Digital Strategy

Blog written on wooden cubes

The web is a great place to grow your business, especially if you’re planning to leverage content creation. There are a ton of options to choose from: video marketing, podcasting, and social media, to name a few.

With so many options at your disposal, you might feel as though blogging is old-fashioned and out of date. But make no mistake, 77% of web users still rely on blogs to find insightful information.

Ignoring your blog is like ignoring your audience. But it’s not too late to make a change.

Keep reading to learn about five reasons why you should include blogging in your digital strategy.

1. It’s a Chance to Show off Your Brand’s Voice

People are inundated with advertisements these days. As such, it can be hard to get people to pay attention to your business.

To win customers back, you’ll need to create a unique voice that shows off your company’s personality and tone. This is your brand’s voice, and there’s no better way to establish that voice than through blogs.

By blogging through your company’s voice, you choose how your business gets represented. Likewise, if you ever choose to update your brand’s personality, it’s easy to do so through your blog.

2. Improve Your Search Engine Optimization

Everyone wants the top spot on Google. But 91% of content never gets any traffic at all from the tech giant!

Blogging is a cornerstone of SEO, however. By using the right combination of keywords, internal and external links, and authoritative information, web crawlers will start to recognize your company’s efforts.

In turn, you’ll experience a major boom in traffic.

3. Blogging Keeps Customers Coming Back

That authoritative content we just mentioned is good for more than SEO, however. Your content is for your audience, after all, and providing interesting, relevant, and helpful information is a simple yet effective means of establishing trust.

Once you have your audience’s trust, you’ll start to see repeat visitors. That loyalty means a lot. Not only does it increase their chances of becoming a paid customer, but visitors who trust your content are more likely to tell their friends about you.

4. It Doesn’t Have to Take up Your Time

If you’d like to benefit from the benefits of blogging but don’t have the time needed to crank out great content yourself, you’re not out of luck.

You can always outsource your content creation so you can still get well-crafted content for your audience without diverting your attention. Check out this source for blog articles to see what we’re talking about.

5. You Can Reuse Evergreen Content

Evergreen content is any form of content that remains relevant. This blog, for example, is evergreen, as blogging is still an integral part of digital marketing.

What’s more, you can turn old blog posts into other forms of content like videos. In essence, you’re getting two types of content by creating one single blog post.

Make Blogging a Part of Your Digital Strategy Today

There you have it, five of our top reasons why your company needs to invest in blogging for your digital strategy. Through blogging, you’ll grow your client base, gain their trust, and build your business through quality content.

If you’re interested in learning more about growing your home-based business, make sure to check back with our blog for more content like this!

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