5 Indoor Plants to Help Boost Home Office Morale

Laptop on wooden table with potted plants in workspace

Work can get stressful. Work can end up taking on long hours and passing hours into the middle of the night. To make strides to be more successful, you need a comfortable home office, but you should stage it to be productive as well. One thing we do is put a large focus on our home businesses. Especially if you own your own business and frequently work from home, it’s hard to balance home life with work life sometimes.

However, we have a suggestion for you. Not all of us have green thumbs, and not all of us take the best care of our health and homes. It may not be in your normal scope of things, but it’s been proven that having indoor office plants can help not only boost health, but morale as well. So, check out these home office plants that may help your overall home office productivity.

1. Jade Plant

Because this is an article about boosting home office morale and hopefully productivity, that should directly result in more dollars coming in, we’re listing the jade plant first. The jade plant is commonly known as the ‘lucky plant’ or ‘money plant’ to many and is a common household plant worldwide. The jade plant is native to South Africa and it’s a great low-maintenance plant that once it blooms has small pink or white flowers. It’s perfect for your home office desk where it won’t take up too much space.

2. Peace Lily

The peace lily is native to tropical regions of North and South America and also some parts of southeastern Asia. There are about 40 different species of the flowering peace lily plant, so depending on which one you get, caring may be a bit different for each genus. The peace lily can grow to medium-large in size, but with proper care and potting, you should be able to maintain a reasonable size for your office desk. When the peace lily blooms, it becomes an elegant yellow seed core sitting in front of a white flower backdrop. If you get a peace lily and it’s not blooming, its simply because it’s not getting enough light. If your home office is a room with no windows, this plant may not be the one for your desk. If your desk is in direct sunlight, the peace lily will bring a smile to your face when finishing up that next project.

3. Parlor Palm

Our third home office plant is not really one that can sit on your desk. It’s actually a mini palm tree, so it can go beside your desk or in the corner a bit away from the desk. The main point behind this one is to remind you that all your hard work will pay off and paradise is in near sight. Especially if you live in a part of the country that isn’t all that tropical, this plant will hopefully help bring you to that place mentally. It can definitely be worth getting this plant, sitting back in your office chair and kicking your feet up on your desk, closing your eyes and daydreaming about relaxing on that beach in the sun. Not only does this plant bring thoughts of warmer temperatures, but it doesn’t require a lot of light to survive and is very low-maintenance.

4. Snake Plant

Sometimes also referenced as the viper’s bowstring hemp, it’s most commonly referred to as the snake plant. Their leaves can grow very large and tall, however can be maintained within a small enough pot to remain on your desk or on a shelf next to your desk. The long and tall green leaves have yellow on the outside edges and will be sure to bring some attention from your visitors. The snake plant is native to West Africa, spanning from Nigeria to the Congo. The snake plant is a very tolerant plant and taking care of it is very minimal. If you’re a busy person and also travel for weeks at a time, the snake plant may be just the right plant for you, as it can go weeks without water. If neglected too long, the plant will eventually end up dying, but even with a little attention every week or two, you should be able to maintain a healthy-looking snake plant in your home office.

5. Cactus

More than 2,000 types of cacti have been discovered over history, and this will allow you to pick and choose the right one for your home office. For home offices that are lacking in space, a smaller barrel or flowering cactus may be the perfect solution. However, they do require ample sunlight. Barrel cacti can come as small as a golf ball and get as large as a basketball, if not bigger depending on what size you buy it at and how long you maintained it. If your home office has a window near the desk, that should allow your cactus to thrive and grow without any issues. Although these cacti require a lot of sunlight, they will forgive you if you forget to water them often, as they retain water quite well.

Now we know that the primary end goal of owning your own business is to be successful. You want to make money and be able to have a successful business, then travel or do whatever your heart desires. If you’re in a living situation where you’re working out of your garage, maybe it’s time to start looking for available houses for sale near you to help build that perfect home office. Having a well-built home office can help you on your way to success, and we hope you’re able to put a plant in to your workspace to help boost morale while working as well.

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