Podcast: Achieve Work-Life Balance as a Home Biz Owner – Interview with Leadership Guru Laurie Cameron

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Interview with Author, CEO and Leadership Guru Laurie Cameron

How often do you feel overwhelmed, stressed out, distracted and unable to focus? Can we find calm and focus when home business work and life feels overwhelming?

When you pay attention to the sensation of being overwhelmed, you can investigate the causes and start to shift the patterns.

Becoming more conscious about how you spend your energy and resources reduces feeling overwhelmed as you let go of habits, people, and activities that drain your energy.

Sherilyn Colleen and Richard “Capt’n” Henderson interview Laurie Cameron, author of The Mindful Day: Practical Ways to Find Focus, Calm, and Joy From Morning to Evening and founder/CEO of PurposeBlue, a leadership coaching and organizational development firm.

Subjects discussed in this podcast:

  • How you can find calm and focus when work and life feels overwhelming
  • How mindfulness practice increases our capacity for self-awareness
  • How we can pay attention to the sensation of being overwhelmed, and how we can investigate the causes and start to shift the patterns
  • How we can gain focus on what really matters
  • How you go about “auditing your energy spent” for home-based business owners

More people than ever are employed by freelance and other on-demand work. It offers great flexibility and income potential, and there are important elements and factors involved that every worker needs to be aware of, whether they’re currently in the on-demand markets or considering it as a career.


So tune in to hear Laurie Cameron’s insight on how to achieve more inner peace and better work-life balance.

Episode Sponsor: Prime Time Networker * www.Bthe1.com

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