Seven Important SEO Trends You Should Follow to Drive More Traffic

Photo by Tara Winstead from Pexels

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is now becoming an important tool for any online business platform. If you know just the correct marketing and SEO trends, your website starts attracting more and more people in a short time.

Seven Important SEO Trends

Did you know that nearly 70-80% of business owners focus just on organic results, ignoring paid listings completely? Having top-ranking SEO performance is based on various factors and metrics. Here are seven important SEO trends you must not ignore if you wish to attract more traffic.

1. Artificial Intelligence

As the world keeps progressing, Artificial Intelligence (AI) becomes more and more prominent. In addition, the SEO industry is no exception. Google’s AI algorithm, RankBrain, is especially important if you want to rank on the first search results page.

AIs like RankBrain keep improving with time, and user experience is an important factor for the AI to rank pages. Things like click-through rate and the time spent by an average customer on your page are important.

2. Voice Search

This might sound strange, but voice search definitely plays a big role in your SEO trends. Voice search technologies like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant are now vastly popular. If you want to optimize for voice searches, target specific keywords.

Try to make out longer phrases that people use in daily conversations. The longer and more natural your phrases are, the better. This is because people tend to use full sentences while speaking on Google, but they only use a few keywords when they type in their searches.

3. Mobile-Friendliness

Your site might load in a second on desktops or laptops, but if it fails to load properly or quickly on mobile devices, you need to fix this immediately. Mobile-first indexing was rolled out by Google, where it looks at the mobile versions of any website as the primary determinant.

Naturally, the mobile-friendliness of your site is very crucial. How do you do this? Ensure that Google’s web crawlers are able to crawl through your site easily, so do not turn on disallow directive.

4. Google EAT Principle

Content quality is crucial for any kind of success in your rankings. However, in platforms like Google, what exactly is quality? Follow the EAT principle here — Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. If all these factors are covered in your website, you know it has a lot of quality content and ranks higher in search results.

If you wish to know how to improve your page to incorporate more EAT-related information, visit Studiohawk for tips.

5. Long-Form Content

Long reads that contain about 3000 words or more are said to gather three times more traffic and four times the share as compared to other pages. The chances of generating backlinks also keep increasing if you put in more long-form content.

Of course, it is necessary to maintain quality throughout the articles, but quantity is equally important. In order to do this, break up your content into different sections, and add H2 and H3 subheadings. Subheadings are very important for your site.

6. Featured Snippets

Featured snippets are also crucial if you wish to gather more traffic. You do not always have to generate any long-term content exclusively to rank on top of Google’s search listings. Featured snippets are also great ways to attract Google’s attention.

However, keep in mind that these snippets are always very brief. If you are not sure what a snippet is, it is the brief information provided by Google, usually within a box that comes right on top when you search for something.

7. Videos

Online videos are now raging throughout the internet. From video-exclusive platforms like YouTube to social media pages like Instagram and Facebook, videos of varying lengths are what drive businesses forward.

If you are not creating video content, now is the time to start. Make sure to optimize the video channel’s name and description. Even though you can use keywords in the description, you should write phrases and user-friendly words to make people understand your content.

Over to You…

These seven SEO trends and strategies should be used religiously by your company in order to achieve a top rank on Google or other search engine platforms. If you want an expert’s opinion on SEO, check out Studiohawk. Studiohawk’s experienced team of specialists makes sure your page and business flourish all the time. These award-winning professionals live and breathe SEO, and help you achieve the best of the online world!

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