Questions to Ask to Find the Best Compensation Lawyer in Australia

compensation lawyer
Photo by Pavel Danilyuk

Choosing the right compensation lawyer in Australia saves you from a lot of claim troubles in the long run. Whether your car has been in an accident, you have been injured in your workplace, or some other emergency has occurred, the right compensation lawyer makes sure that your damage is minimum and the compensation you receive is maximum.

Questions to Ask

In Australia, the median compensation claim is about $14,500. So how do you choose the right lawyer to help you out? Here are some questions to ask to find the best compensation lawyer in Australia.

Which Area of Law Is Your Specialization?

Hire a lawyer who specializes in compensation law. Just like doctors, lawyers also have their own areas of specialization. And who better than a compensation lawyer to understand your claims? Some of the other areas of law include criminal law and family law.

In the case of any personal injury, a lawyer who practices 100% compensation law is ideal. Compensation law is a difficult area of expertise, and it requires an expert lawyer to handle all the proceedings. So ask the lawyer in question regarding his or her specialization before you finalize on him or her.

Are You an Accredited Specialist?

The lawyer you seek should be an accredited specialist under the Personal Injury Law by an organization, such as the New South Wales Law Society. If not, then you need to switch to a different lawyer.

The law society in New South Wales gives a special kind of accreditation to personal injury compensation lawyers who passed a particular examination. This exam is basically to demonstrate the skills and expertise of a candidate wishing to pursue compensation law.

So if you found a lawyer who received certification from a reputed law society, you know he or she is able to handle anything and everything.

Who Will Handle My Case?

This is probably the most important question you need to ask. Many times, the compensation lawyers cannot handle entire cases on their own. As a result, they ask partners or some other specialists to give their own inputs. In some cases, your lawyer might not handle your case at all.

So it is important that you ask your lawyer who will handle your case. If it is a different person, ensure he or she also has proper qualifications and a specialization in compensation law.

You might initially speak to an accredited compensation lawyer, but the case will be taken up by a junior lawyer. It is always best to avoid such situations by asking your lawyer beforehand.

Can You Give Me a Success Rate for This Case?

After discussing the circumstances of your compensation case, a professional lawyer should give you a success rate or tell you if you will win the case or not. Even though your lawyer might not be able to say anything for sure, a rough estimate is good enough.

If your lawyer is an expert and has years in the field, he or she knows how long it takes to complete your claim or if you will win or not. If you see that the lawyer answers none of these questions directly or keeps saying he or she has to do further research, it might be a good idea to search for someone else.

What Is the Worth of My Case?

A good lawyer always gives you a range of the value of your claim. It can be between $50,000 to $100,000. He or she should give you a rough estimate almost immediately after hearing your case. In some special cases, the worth shoots upwards.

If you feel the price is too high, ask your lawyer if there is room for negotiation. If your lawyer cannot provide a proper value, it means that he or she either is hiding something from you or just does not have the experience required.

Over to You…

If your compensation lawyer in Australia charges you a percentage of what your claim is worth, never accept it. This fee is a contingency fee, which is banned in Australia. Make sure the professional you choose is open to clear communication and ensures everything between you both is as transparent as possible. Note down his or her numbers, mail IDs, and any other information. In turn, give them yours to stay in touch frequently.

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