8 Ways to Use Videos to Drive Traffic and Conversions

Camera Filming a Video
Photo by Roman Koval from Pexels

We all want more traffic on our businesses’ social media pages and websites. After all, more people coming in means we might get more conversions.

Most businesses try using different online marketing strategies to drive their traffic and conversions, but tend to stick to a handful of methods. Even with content creation, businesses think SEO articles and photos are enough to attract loyal customers.

If you want more people visiting your pages to successfully meet your conversion goals, you need to spread out on the content you create.

Video content is crucial for your business, as people spend 88% more time on a website with videos. Here are eight ways to use videos to drive traffic and conversions for your business.

#1 Creative Video Content

Unlike a photo or written content, in a video, you get to ignite the viewer’s emotions using both audio and visual. Don’t waste this opportunity with mediocre quality content.

You do not need to buy the best equipment or waste a lot of money on production. However, you must create content where creativity will attract your viewers and help increase your conversion rate.

Brainstorm to find creative ways to create content related to your product. Use color palettes that please the eyes. Use sounds that excite and inspire. Using humor and wit in your video content can be a crucial influence to keep viewers coming back for more.

Some people even choose to buy YouTube subscribers for their YouTube channels to increase viewers.

#2 Create Videos That Promote Your Product or Service

The number one goal for the video contents you create is increasing paying customers for your business. This infographic by MultiVisionDigital showed that people are 64% more likely to buy a product after watching a promotional video for the item.

Quality promotional videos and demos increase your chances of getting paying customers. You do not need an expensively-produced video. A simple video that helps your customers see and learn about your product is enough. Just make sure you show off the best aspects of your product in the video.

Plan and produce the video yourself if you want to reduce expenses, or you can get a professional to do it. Videos are valuable investments, as the lifespan of a video is at least four years.

#3 Show Viewers the Videos of Your Products Being Used

This is an online marketeer’s ace card. You can see large companies like Lush and IKEA using this strategy with whopping success. Whether your company is big or small, your paid customers and potential buyers will increase traffic on your website with this tactic.

Let’s check out the two kinds of video content you can make for your product.

How-To Videos

People who type ‘how-to’ in their search engines are looking for solutions. Your job is to provide them with that solution by suggesting how their problem can be resolved using your product.

If you have a video blog or a social media page that brings traffic to your page, you should create how-to videos. It is an essential and cost-effective tool at your disposal.

These videos persuade customers because you are showing them both what the product is and how to use it. Seeing a product’s usage in the best light often creates the desire to own the product.

This is a video you can easily make by yourself. The more relatable the problem looks, the more acceptable the solution will become.

Walkthrough Videos

It’s the same as shops having salespeople to help customers find what they are looking for; customers need walkthroughs to help them make a purchase decision.

This is why a lot of websites have people attending visitors on chats to help them along. Create a video or two and cut the cost of getting a constant visitor attendant.

Whether it is a walkthrough video for the website or a video of the product/service, you are creating a comfort zone for your visitors. This also helps the traffic on your page get involved with the website.

Automatically running walkthrough videos embedded on your website is an excellent means of gently nudging the visitors to invest their valuable time and attention to your business.

#4 Use Video Advertisements to Boost Sales

This is a tried-and-true method that has existed ever since televisions came along. Televised video ads may have been the best strategy in the ’80s and ’90s, but not anymore.

A 2019 report on digital trends showed that people spend a little over six and a half hours online every day. This means on average, we spend a hundred days of our lives each year on the internet. This makes the internet the perfect place for grabbing consumer attention.

Whether you choose to use Google Ads or any social media platform’s ads as a medium, video ads will bring you traffic with a high conversion rate. With video ads, you can reach a bigger crowd, using audiovisuals to attract them to your website.

#5 Create Customer Testimonial Videos

Using your customers to generate content is one of the cheapest and most effective strategies for online marketing. For creating advertisements, you will perhaps need to hire a model or crew.

With a customer testimonial video, all you need is to find a loyal customer. Find customers who feel passionate about your product and have a love for the limelight. Many people are more than willing to get some spotlight.

Two key reasons why it always works: it’s relatable and customers are more willing to trust someone who is one of “their own”. It’s also definitely cheaper than a social media influencer endorsement deal. However, if you can find one who loves your product, it would be like hitting the jackpot!

#6 Make Videos That Answer Questions Asked by Customers

Customer service is a top priority for any business. Businesses that provide good customer service always get loyal buyers that frequently use their products and services.

An effective way to provide customers services, like answering frequently asked questions, is by making a video for it. Answer any questions that a buyer or a possible buyer has about your product. Start a series of videos for your blog or social media account, answering the FAQs.

Create a space for customers to ask questions or encourage them to write them in the comment sections of your customer service videos. You can later choose the relevant questions and create a video answering them. You are engaging the visitors as well as helping them find answers.

#7 Use Screencasts to Help Customers

You are missing out if you are not using screencasts to create content. Screencasts are screen recordings from your phone or laptop. You can use screencasts to create guiding and product-use videos for your customers.

For example, say your product is software. People are facing issues with it and the technicality is difficult to explain without showing. This is where screencasts come in handy. You can show them exactly how to solve the problem and viewers will be forever grateful.

People love screencasts because they allow them to solve problems faster.

#8 Stream Live Broadcasts

Live broadcasts are incredible for traffic engagement and conversions. Celebrities and influencers use this method constantly to appear involved with their followers.

You can try out a few of the methods mentioned before by using live videos. Live streaming of how-to videos, product promotions, screencasts, or even a simple discussion with viewers about the product are some of the strategies to follow. You can even answer questions on a live stream broadcast.

Any medium you use will show you a live count of your reach. This can bring in a lot of traffic, which you can actively persuade to conversion.

The best part about live streams is that your promotional efforts will not be lost; you can save the streaming videos so that viewers can watch them again later.

Final Thoughts

All these strategies have been tried, tested, and in constant use by companies big or small. Internet marketing is constantly driven by the use of video content.

Generate quality video content and get paying customers to go above and beyond your conversion goals. Try out these methods and exponentially increase traffic to your website now!

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