Top SEO Tips You Can Implement for Your Home Business

Top SEO Tips You Can Implement for Your Home Business
Photo by Kaleidico on Unsplash

When you started your home business, you were hoping for something like the “Field of Dreams.” You know, “If you build it, they will come.”

So, you built it, but they didn’t come.

It’s nothing personal. Your customer base just can’t find you. You can change that by implementing some SEO tips today.

Do a Competitive Analysis

Lots of home-based businesses owners try to reinvent the wheel when it comes to online marketing. They think they have to start from scratch, but that’s hardly the case. Your competitors have already put in so much work finding the best keywords to use. You can piggyback off all their hard work to get a toe-hold on the market.

The SEMRush Keyword Gap tool is an excellent way to conduct a competitive analysis. Enter domain names for your competitors, and then let the tool get to work. It will conduct a keyword analysis of organic, paid, and PLA (Google Shopping) keywords. You can use that as your starting point.

Look for Keywords in the Gap

Your site will get lots of visitors if you simply rank for the keywords that your competitors rank for, but why stop there? Take your research to the next level by defining gaps in the market.

The AdWords Keyword Planner is the perfect tool for this. Simply take the list of keywords and enter them into the planner. Then, look at the related keywords. This will help you identify keywords that your competitors aren’t ranking for, but your customers are searching for. Then, you can get customers that your competitors aren’t able to reach.

Create Top-Notch Content

To really draw in website visitors and keep them coming back to your page, you’d do well to write in coherent, error-free language. Use a grammar checker by smallseotools to look over your work before you publish it. Now, how do you go about deciding on topics?

You have a ton of keywords to use. Some of those keywords will go into your site’s regular copy, but you also need to create shareable content that has the potential to go viral. The content will be based around the keywords you want to rank for.

Let’s say you want to rank for “best party planner in Chicago, IL.”

Lots of business owners would create bland content around that topic. They would simply use the key phrase as the blog post title and get to work.

No one wants to share that type of content, which means you won’t get many backlinks from it.

Instead, you need to dig a little deeper to find the best content topics associated with that keyword.

Content explorer tools are an easy way to find the best topics. You can use something like the Ahrefs Content Explorer to find the content that gets the most organic traffic, backlinks, and shares. Then, you can use that as a starting point to create your own blog posts.

Speed Up Your Site

Almost half of the online consumers expect a website to load in 2 seconds or less, and 40 percent leave the site if it doesn’t load within 3 seconds. That means time is of the essence.

That’s not all. Google actually penalizes sites with slow loading times. If your site loads slowly, people might not find it.

Clean up your site to increase the loading speed. Only use essential widgets, and avoid flash and other features that could slow it down.

Link to Other Sites

Most site owners have a very basic understanding of linking. They know they need to have sites link to them, but they do not realize they also have to link to other sites.

Google will view your site as more valuable if you include links to other sites. Just make sure you only link to high-quality sites to get the best results.

Keep Humans in Mind

User experience is especially important for your SEO strategy. At one time, you could just create a website for the search engines, but Google has changed the way it evaluates sites. Now, it puts an emphasis on user experience and you need to, as well.

That means you need high-quality content and a website that is easy to navigate. That will help you move up in the rankings.

Are You Ready to Rank?

Are you ready to help your site move up in the search engine rankings? Implement these SEO tips to hit the ground running. It won’t be long before you experience a huge boost in traffic.

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