7 Ways Home-Based Businesses Can Master Selling

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Most people don’t think of themselves as working in sales. The other day, for example, I was speaking to a friend of mine who is an accountant running a home-based business. We were talking about business and she made a comment that took me back. She said, “I’m sure glad I don’t work in sales as you did. I don’t think I could do it.”

Sadly, my friend was wrong, as is anyone who doesn’t think they work in sales. Why? The truth is that no matter what business you are in, you work in sales. Let’s say you are an entrepreneur running your business out of your extra bedroom. Maybe you are an accountant like my friend. Maybe you own a company that conducts background checks. Perhaps you’re a business coach. No matter what you do though, you are in sales.

Your business relies heavily on your ability to sell. It’s how your business grows and more importantly, it’s the foundation of how it stays alive. Whatever industry your home-based business is involved in, selling is a part of it. Here are a few examples of what I mean:

  • You need new clients so you have to sell them on the idea of hiring you.
  • You offer multiple products so you have to find and sell the right product for them.
  • Maybe you offer a service with multiple levels so you have to upsell.
  • Perhaps a product or service you provide has some kind of warranty or protection plan that is optional, but it’s something you have to sell.
  • When one project finishes perhaps you have to sell your client on handling their next project.

Most importantly and above all else, you have to be sellable. As a home-based business, you are the face of your business. People are ultimately buying you before they buy anything else.

Some of us are natural born sellers. For others, it takes a little more effort. No matter where you fall in the equation, here are my best tips to help make you a stronger seller.

The real secret is listening

People tend to think that as one of the most successful salespeople in the world, I must be a great talker and can influence people to do things they wouldn’t normally do. Nothing could be more incorrect. The real secret to sales and most anything else in business is listening to your customers. Too many people talk. Try to be a better listener. What do your customers really need? When you sit back and actively listen, you’ll be amazed at what a better salesperson you can be.

Service is your priority

No matter what industry you are in, as a home-based business it’s always about providing service above all else. You can be the most experienced industry expert in something, but without good service, nobody is going to want to do business with you. If your service is top-notch it’s going to show in the percentage of deals you close. Do what you say you’re going to do. It’s about being dependable and serving your customers like no one else.

Become invaluable

Never stop creating ways to become more efficient, less distracted and more knowledgeable. This is the real key to moving up in your industry and becoming irreplaceable. Let’s say you have a home-based business and your competitor is more of a big, established name. By becoming invaluable to your customers to the point they can’t imagine paying you to provide a service is how you win the sales game and keep customers coming through the door.

Be nice

It sounds simple enough, but so many people, large companies and even smaller shops, forget about basic manners in business. People would rather buy from someone who is nice, polite and treats them with respect than someone who doesn’t. So many times, people told me that I wasn’t the best priced or offered the most options, but I was the nicest and that made a huge impact on their decision to buy from me.

Money follows your love of something

These days, too many people are chasing the dollar. If you do something just for the sake of money, you’re sacrificing inner joy and will eventually become complacent or experience burnout. Chase whatever it is that you really love and become so good at it that the money will follow suit. It’ so much easier to sell something you love and are passionate about. It won’t come across as a sales pitch. It will look honest and authentic.

It’s about problem solving and value

Your customers have a problem and they need your help. The more problems you solve for them, the more valuable you become. Learn to do it better and faster than anyone else and you’ll have customers for life. If you can’t solve their problems, they will find someone else who can.

Treat them as customers for life

I would see it all the time in sales. An associate would make a sale and that was the last interaction they ever had with the customer. If you keep the relationship going, you can have a customer for life. Follow up. Check in periodically to see how things are going, if they are satisfied, if they need any help with anything or have any questions. When they are ready to buy again they are going to think of you.

The takeaway

Sales is at the heart of every business. As a home-based business, you have a lot on your plate including sales. By following some of these tips, you can up your sales game and better your business.

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