Self-Motivation Diary of a Born Optimist: Empowerment Coach Releases Life-Changing, Day-by-Day Guide to Achieving the Impossible

As a youngster, Jamal Lanre Shashore had it all; parents who were at the top of their game in the broadcasting world, a comfortable house and relative wealth. However, following his parents’ fierce divorce and his decision to move to the UK, Shashore found himself living on the streets. It was a tough pill to swallow.

But Shashore has always been one of life’s mavericks; someone who refuses to let adversity simply happen, deciding instead to dust off the bad and embrace the good. Over a decade later, Shashore thrives as a motivational coach and published author of two life-enhancing books.

His latest book, ‘Self-Motivation Diary of A Born Optimist’, is unlike anything else on the market. It’s a clarion call-to-action for those looking to achieve great things in the wake of frustration. In short, it’s the key to a new life of joy, prosperity and balance.


Have you ever wondered why all attempts to achieve certain goals in your life end up in frustration? Maybe you are keen to change your personal circumstances but don’t know where to begin?

No one can prevent bad things from happening but we can learn to change our reaction to them. By challenging you to think in a different way, this book outlines how you can view adverse situations and challenges as opportunities, rather than the end of your dreams.

In his own unique philosophical approach, Jamal Lanre Shashore encourages us to redefine our core values in order to live a more enriched and optimistic existence by adopting a day by day motivational self-guide that produces more positive results, without subscribing to the selfish ‘me first’ attitude of modern society.

So, if a happier and more meaningful life is what you long for, the ‘Self-Motivation Diary of a Born Optimist’ is all you need to set you on the right path.

“I’ve spent my entire life helping people,” explains the author, whose academic training has seen him partner with a host of charities including the Samaritans, MIND and BeCHar. “I’ve been privileged to work with so many amazing people who changed their lives for the better, often in the most unconventional of ways. All of this inspired me to write this book to help give hope, optimism and courage to millions of people out there feeling disillusioned with life’s seemingly never-ending sequence of struggles.”

Continuing, “But it doesn’t stop at publications. Next year I embark on the Born Motivated Training Project, which will see me deliver a series of self-motivation training seminars and workshops both nationally and internationally titled ‘Mastering the Art of Self-Motivation’. These workshops are  aimed at helping people embrace the book’s concepts and leave the room prepared and invigorated to change their lives forever. It’s all so exciting.”

‘Self-Motivation Diary of A Born Optimist’ is available now on Amazon in both paperback and kindle formats:

An exclusive book launch celebration, author talk and signing event will take place on June 17th, 2017 at the Holiday Inn, Milton Keynes Central, between 11:00am and 3pm.

About the Author:

Jamal Lanre Shashore was born and raised in Lagos, Nigeria. His father was a journalist and his mother, a film editor in television broadcasting. Coming from, what many would consider, a privileged background, Jamal’s early childhood was happy and a bright future, seemingly, lay ahead of him. However, the breakdown of his parents’ marriage led to a long period of instability, uncertainty and personal hardship. In 2000, Jamal relocated from West Africa to the United Kingdom, in search of new purpose and meaning in his life.

Almost two decades on, having experienced redundancy, impoverishment, and at one point homelessness, Jamal has successfully transformed his own personal adversities into triumph and achievement by establishing the Born Motivated Training Project; a self-motivation training and education initiative aimed at empowering people of diverse backgrounds and circumstances with the mental discipline, life skills and techniques to overcome personal struggles and achieve success.

Drawing upon various influences from his academic background and training in Philosophy, Performance Psychology and Psychotherapy, together with his voluntary work experience mentoring, motivating and counselling clients and service users of three leading UK wellbeing charities, Jamal was inspired to publish his philosophies on self-motivation and the overcoming of personal struggles.

Self-Motivation Diary of a Born Optimist – his latest book – is a direct invitation into Jamal’s thoughts and beliefs on how engaging in regular positive self-talk can help anyone defeat negative thoughts and pessimism on the path to personal prosperity.

Jamal and his family currently live Bedfordshire, in the UK.

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