5 of the Most Inspiring Women Leaders of All Time

Women of today are ruling the world. Thankfully, we now live in a world where women are accepted in society and are treated as equals to men. Women in the past had a lot to prove so they could be accepted and acknowledged in society. In modern times, women can become successful business owners and entrepreneurs paving their own path. They easily do whatever they want to do or go wherever they want to go.

Women are running companies, businesses, and at the same time, building their own families. This wouldn’t have been possible if women in the past had not focused on making this world a better place for women today. If you look at the timeline of history in the world, you will see how brave these women were to show the world their gifts and talents. They are the real inspirations of today’s generation.

Here are five of the most inspiring women of all time.

1. Marie Curie

Marie Curie is one of the pillars of technology as she played a huge part in developing the first X-ray machine. This machine is one of the most useful medical machines that we use today. She was a scientist and inventor who was of Polish descent. Because of her accomplishments, she was the first female who was ever awarded a Nobel Prize.

2. Mother Teresa

Almost everyone in the world knows of her. She was the epitome of selflessness. Mother Teresa spent her whole life helping the poor and the most unfortunate people. She had always been the rock and support to the unloved and forgotten. Because of her lifelong charity missions, she was awarded a Nobel Prize in 1979. She passed away in 1997; her memory remains in the hearts and minds of the people she has left behind. She has become one of the most inspiring women of all time whom deserves a place in our memories.

3. Florence Nightingale

For nurses all over the world, Florence Nightingale is a woman to look up to. Her dedication to her profession changed the whole meaning of the nursing profession. During the Crimean War, she saved many lives of soldiers. These actions encouraged a big shift in outlook toward nurses. Nursing is no longer a job but a commitment and devotion to people who need you the most. Florence Nightingale will always be remembered by both men and women all over the world.

4. Amelia Earhart

To the wild spirits, Amelia Earhart is one of the inspiring women to look up to. She was the first female pilot who was able to fly across the Atlantic. This display of bravery awakened the hearts of women who dared wish to do the same. Flying used to only be a job and hobby for men and Amelia Earhart broke this stereotype.

5. Cleopatra

Cleopatra was famous for her beauty and how she used it to protect her empire from invaders. Her methods may not have been favorable to some but she has always remained a strong figure throughout the history of mankind for protecting her empire in the best way she could.

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