4 Reasons You Should NOT Seek The Media Spotlight

On most days it’s my goal to explain to people the benefits of PR and how landing an interview in print, on the radio or on TV can add to their credibility and help establish them as sought-after authorities in their fields of expertise.

But as I know it to be true that there’s an opposing view to practically everything, I thought it might be an interesting exercise to see what the opposing view could possibly be when it comes to public relations.

So, here are four reasons – absurd as they sound – that might make someone want to run like the dickens should the media spotlight shine their way. (And even more absurd is that in our 27 years of being in business we’ve actually experienced clients who seem to view things this way!)

  • Those pesky reporters and their pesky deadlines! You’re making good progress on the day’s to-do list when you learn some bothersome New York Times reporter wants to talk to you. Naturally, she has a tight deadline for getting her article and your name in front of her 30 million combined print and online readers. Is she serious? Why should her deadline stress become yours?
  • The media follow the media that was following you! I mean this is practically a form of stalking! Let’s say you write an article for the New York Daily News. The article is done and you’re done. Or so you think. But no! Someone at MSNBC sees that article and now they’re trying to hit you up for an interview and foist some free air time on you! The nerve!
  • Your brand keeps coming up in online searches! I’m sad to report that potential clients or customers have access to the internet. Do you really want to take the chance that they’ll Google your name and find out that Fox Business or some other major media outlet decided your expertise is worth listening to? I mean, who knows where that kind of thing could lead?
  • Sharing media success stories can be tiresome! Face it. Whenever the Wall Street Journal, USA Today or any other media hotshot interviews you, you’re going to feel obligated to share the results with clients and potential clients through social media or email. What a bother! More work!  What a burden!

All joking aside, those reasons for avoiding the media spotlight work even better as reasons for seeking it out.

In fact, I could point to specific clients who experienced just these sorts of media encounters and successes and made the most of them. Yes, just recently the New York Times called us seeking an expert and our client leapt at the opportunity to talk.

MSNBC really did reach out to a client after he wrote a New York Daily News opinion piece because they wanted to interview him in-studio on his topic.

A financial professional we worked with was trying to woo a potential client, but couldn’t quite close the sale. As they sat in her office she suggested he Google her name when he pressed her about why he should choose her.

When a Fox Business article we got her quoted in popped up, he was immediately sold and she closed the deal.

Yes, sometimes those media deadlines might be stressful (that part wasn’t entirely a joke), but the momentary hassle is well worth the rewards when you’re quoted as an expert in major publications, heard on the radio or seen on TV!

Frankly, it’s surprising to me that more people and businesses that hope to promote their brands don’t take advantage of these sorts of opportunities – “pesky” reporters and all!

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