Nutrition and Life Fulfillment Coach Meribel Goldwin MS CEPC Helps Clients Find a Link Between Their Cravings and Desires

Meribel Goldwin MS CEPC

By Jillian Andrews

Meribel Goldwin MS CEPC found her passion for healing as a child. She watched her grandfather, who was a house call physician, treat patients. Her grandfather’s ensuing passing encouraged her to pursue medical school. However, she discovered that traditional, Western medicine was not for her. She took time off school to truly discover her path. As she struggled with uncertainty, she began to consume two to three full-sized bars of chocolate a day. At her annual health check-up, her doctor revealed that she was borderline pre-diabetic.

Alarmed at the news, Goldwin began journaling in lieu of chocolate. This method of journaling shaped the Cravings Log that she now uses with her clients. It is a simple but powerful tool for unravelling cravings — she would write down her cravings, and analyze their deeper associations to find the link between her cravings and her emotional desires. The simplicity of this tool allows her clients to ease into the work ahead. As for Goldwin, she began to move from a space of escapism to a place where she paid sharp attention to the wisdom of her cravings. With newfound awareness, she completed her Masters in Human Nutrition at Columbia University.

Blossomed Life LLC was formed in her studio overlooking the Hudson River when she realized that she could use her skills as a former career coach and tutor coupled with her knowledge of nutrition to start a nutrition counseling business. Blossomed Life LLC soon evolved into something profound. Goldwin incorporated her personal experiences with cravings and emotional awareness into her business. She developed programs of varying intensities to help individuals use their cravings and lean into their deeper true-life desires. Each program meets clients at their level of comfort and readiness to start this difficult but necessary work with their cravings. Goldwin has also brought her cravings work into corporate organizations to change the way wellness is viewed in profit-driven environments.

What makes Goldwin’s work truly groundbreaking is her use of the individualism that we all possess. Her work is never the same with each client — some struggle with diets, some with professional and personal relationships, and some with the lack of autonomy over their lives. Her approach is both structured and flexible to accommodate individual circumstances, helping clients to definitively understand their compulsions and live more fulfilled lives. Visit

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