Could Life Coaching Be What Employers Need to Improve Staff Performance?


Life coaching is becoming increasingly popular amongst professionals, with many employers now choosing to offer this to their staff as a perk of the job. They might choose to do this through hiring an internal life coach, or through offering courses such as the NCC Home Learning life coaching course. Either way, there are a number of benefits for both employers and their workforce when it comes to life coaching.

We’ll discuss how this type of coaching can empower employees and help them to care for their well-being, and address how this translates into improved performance at work. The article will also outline why you should consider life coaching in your business if you haven’t already.

Benefits of life coaching for employees

Life coaching can be hugely beneficial for professionals; it helps them to reflect on their career and set themselves goals to keep them feeling motivated. Taking the time to focus on themselves and their career can be extremely empowering. It also helps staff to highlight their strengths and weaknesses and undergo self-development to move onto the next stage of their career.

Another key part of life coaching is embracing and encouraging work-life balance and well-being. It’s a way for professionals to nurture their mental health at work and learn valuable skills such as problem-solving and strong communication.

Why life coaching could be exactly what you need to boost staff performance

Life coaching can improve employee engagement and output. In fact, a Fortune 100 study found that coaching resulted in the ROI of businesses increasing six-fold. We outline below how life coaching can improve staff performance.

1. Improves valuable skills

Life coaching allows staff to practice valuable skills that they can then apply in the workplace. In fact, problem-solving and good communication skills are some of the most important traits to look for in an employee, and these are skills that can be strengthened through coaching.

These can help them to work better as a team and overcome problems quicker and more efficiently. The same study found a 67% increase in teamwork was seen as a result of coaching. What’s more, the art of reflection gained from coaching helps them to look back at past projects and understand how they can improve in future projects.

2. Increases productivity and results

Life coaching also helps staff to feel motivated and excited about their role; this will likely lead to increased productivity. It could also spark new ideas and innovative ways of thinking. When we feel empowered, we feel more creative and enthusiastic. This again is reflected in the Fortune 100 study which saw a 48% improvement in the quality of work thanks to life coaching.

3. Encourages work-life balance

Life coaching can be a good tool for encouraging work-life balance, helping professionals take time out to enjoy their private lives. Why is this good news for staff performance? It gives employees a chance to recharge and refresh, and encourages them to look after themselves — especially their mental well-being. If staff are happier and healthier, they will be more productive at work, increasing their output.

4. It’s a great perk

What’s more, it can be a great selling point for your business when offered as a workplace perk. This is because it shows your employees you value them and that you’re invested in them. This means they will be more loyal to your company. Staff will be happier and more confident, which will be reflected in their work. Not to mention, it can be kept at a relatively low cost. You might choose to hire someone to come in, or you could even take a course to train yourself or your senior managers. This allows them to support their team internally.

5. Their goals align with business goals

One of the key aims of life coaching is to help professionals realise their career goals and work towards achieving these. But these personal goals will also benefit your business, encouraging staff to work hard and achieve their aims. For example, if their first career goal is to learn new skills, this is something that will directly benefit your business, as well as their own career aims, as they’ll be utilising these skills at work.

In summary

It’s clear that life coaching has a huge range of benefits for both employers and their staff. With self-development becoming increasingly important to today’s professionals, this coaching could be exactly what you need to boost your workforce and improve staff performance.

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