6 Early Warning Signs for a Faulty Industrial Air Compressor

Air compressor

It is essential as a compressed air user to be aware of symptoms that may indicate that a compressor needs some servicing. When you have knowledge of machine performance, how it operates and servicing requirements, it will enable you to know when the compressor requires services. An air compressor that is functioning below its design capacity can be costly as well as dangerous. Especially for large compressors with high capacities such as a large 20 gal air compressor or even a larger capacity range. This can then lead to a more time-consuming and costly fix.

The good thing is that you can see some of these issues early when you are knowledgeable and can contact a servicing company. Here are some of the signs that indicate your industrial air compressor needs servicing.

Increase in Noise Level

Always be very keen on the level of noise coming from the air compressor. If you notice an increase in the bearing noise, it might be a sign of a significant problem, and investigation must be carried out immediately. You can contact a company that offers Emergency Air Compressor Repair Services.

Recurrent Tripping Breakers

When your compressor experiences tripping breaker now and then, it can be a sign that all is not good. The first thing that you should do is examine the electric circuit powering the compressor. If you find that there is no fault there, and the compressor continues to trip breakers, have a service company come and look at it immediately.

A Lot of Moisture

It is common for moisture to accumulate in an air compressor because of the cold and hot air collision. But if there is a lot of moisture, this is an indication of air treatment issues. And it can cause harm to the operating environment and cause maintenance issues.

Increase in Temperatures

When an air compressor is operating, there is a constant battle against heat. When it is physically trying to compress air molecules, heat is produced, and having an effective way of controlling this heat is vital to ensure that the operation of the compressor is reliable and safe. So, if you experience a sudden increase in temperature, it is an indicator that the issue is imminent.

You can include regular cleaning of the compressor’s coolers in the maintenance schedule. Additionally, you can check on the state of the compressor’s lubricants if they are not changed regularly. They can affect the machine’s capability of operating at a safe temperature. So, ensure that you always check on the state of lubricant by implementing an oil sampling program; this will help prevent system failure and downtime.

Low Pressure

If you notice that your air compressor is not able to maintain adequate pressure, it has some problems. And if it has low pressure, it is an indication that there is some tear on the external or internal parts or a technical issue with the system.

Not Working

If the air compressor is not working in the first place, it will be difficult for you to identify where the problem might be. To troubleshoot, you should start by checking the circuit and any other obvious thing.

Over time, it is normal for a compressor to wear out, but to ensure that it is working effectively, know how to identify problems early. Have a reliable company on hand that can offer Emergency Air Compressor Repair Services in case of any breakdown.

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