CEO Shonda Scott Gives Historically Underutilized Businesses a Voice

Shonda Scott
Credit: Nate Taylor

Serving on President Obama’s Platform Committee has been one of the greatest achievements of Shonda Scott’s life. In 2006 she founded her company 360 Total Concept to provide management services for organizations needing support in public relations, monitoring and compliance, logistics, and facilities management. 360 is headquartered in San Francisco/Bay Area, with an office in Los Angeles, projects nationwide, and an international footprint. She’s a fourth generation entrepreneur, has over two decades of business experience that she leverages to assist her firm’s extensive client list, and has a portfolio of projects valued at over $1.7 billion, which includes industry giants like BET, Uber, Comcast, Kaiser Permanente, and international airports. We recently caught up with Shonda to discuss her business, her civic work, her new podcast, and more.

What was the catalyst for starting your company (

I founded 360 Total Concept to be a part of the solution to increase awareness of the importance of inclusion and diversity on major projects and cities in America. It was important to me to help government and private corporations succeed in increasing their workforce and reinvest in communities that have been historically under-utilized. I felt as an entrepreneur, I could control the narrative and use my resources to bring awareness and the voice of the historically under-utilized businesses to the room.

Who do you look to for inspiration?

In business, Oprah is my inspiration, as building a multi-faceted empire is my goal. In politics, Michelle Obama inspires me with her grace, elegance, and ability to use her platform and authentic voice. In life, my mom is my inspiration forever. She is my MVP in life. The awesome thing is that I have personally met and spent time with each of these women. I have touched each of them, so know they are real, and so are the possibilities they represent.

Shonda Scott
Credit: Nate Taylor

Can you tell us a bit about how you market to your clients?

In the space my firm provides services for, I have built a reputation over 20 years to now be considered a subject-matter expert. My advice is sought nationally, and often passed onto potential clients by current and former clients. In addition, I do a great deal of business development through forecast and budget projections advertised by agencies. I use our social media, local radio and our website as platforms to market my firm. I also am involved in philanthropy and politics in communities where my firm does business. Being involved in communities that you serve helps to connect you with community, and also gives your business a footprint as well.

How do you stay productive/focused during this “quiet” time?

I am a creator; therefore, the quiet time is what I call “cocooning.” This is the time when you build, develop and create, so that when it opens up, you can then evolve into the butterfly you envisioned. Using the quiet time wisely is best thing anyone in business can do. This time can allow you to rest and recharge too.

You and your brother Kenté Scott have a podcast called “What Sibling Rivalry.” Can you tell us a bit about it?

What Sibling Rivalry is our platform to talk about family, our values, and the foundation that has led to our success and keeps us growing. On WSR, we also talk about current affairs. This platform is how we share with the world (since we air in over 20 countries) that family matters and that it’s important to have fun in life. Recently we have been interviewing famous guests and their siblings to reflect on how their upbringing led to their success, and talking about our childhoods back in the day. In the end, our show is all about love. In fact that’s our tag line: “It’s all about love.”

Shonda Scott and her brother Kenté Scott
Credit: Nate Taylor

What has been the most successful for you in your business?

I am most successful in business and life when I am true to myself and my true passion—and when I do, it shows! By this I mean, if I do not have a passion for what I am doing, my performance and productivity is not my best. My gold standard is seen when the passion for the project comes out in the work. When my passion is in it, my excellence is manifested and unmatched.

What piece of advice would you give a new entrepreneur?

The advice I give is the same advice I received from one of my mentors, a living legend in the advertising world: always follow your passion and do not compromise your integrity. If you follow your passion and maintain your integrity, you will always win. If you compromise your integrity or passion just for financial gain, you will feel incomplete in the end.

What’s your daily routine like?

First thing I do each morning, no matter where I am in the world, is to get up and thank God for seeing another day! Then I read my bible and pray, write in my journal (at home I take 3k walk with my dog), get dressed, check my schedule and check in with the team, conduct meetings, and do projects and philanthropic work. I end the day, depending on day of week, with board meetings, life-coach check-in, or bible study—quiet time and planning for week. I also enjoy checking things off my list that I complete each day. This gives me the feeling of accomplishment. Reflecting on what was accomplished each the day is important to see. And it’s important to celebrate progress.

Do you get dressed (hair and makeup) whether you’re going out to meetings or working from home?

I get dressed every day, even if working remote from home or traveling on road working from hotel room. I get dressed, comb my hair, and apply makeup for me. I like all those things. Plus my regime only takes 20 minutes, so it is not time consuming, and I feel great. I may add a little extra to my lips and eyes if I have video conference calls.

For more information on Shonda, please visit For more information on the “What Sibling Rivalry” podcast, please visit

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