Where Do the Most Successful Leaders Go for Inspiration?

Whether you’ve got a small business, are a budding entrepreneur or just a career minded individual, one thing we all have in common is that we look to the people at the top of our game for inspiration. Reading their success stories and looking at the steps they’ve taken to achieve what they have is not only interesting, but it’s useful as we try to pluck out some of their pearls of wisdom and apply them to our own life.

The most successful leaders inspire millions of people on a daily basis and we often share their quotes as we take inspiration from their words. Have you ever thought about where those gurus seek their inspiration however? Inspiration comes in many forms, a song, book, place or person. It’s often subjective and personal to the individual. We often consider successful people as inspirational however, so Berkeley Build decided to research the lifestyles of the greatest minds and see if they shared any common traits. They sought to discover what spurred their creative juices and how they’d rewind and reset after a knockback or challenge.

One thing they all shared was a happy place, each person they looked at was discovered to have a place they’d go to escape the daily pressures and find purpose. When you think of locations the rich and famous visit, you probably don’t expect to see a local park or a familiar town on the list. You may be surprised to see how humble some of the happy places are that these successful people choose to visit.

Steve Jobs – Kona Village

Steve Jobs was the mind behind one of the biggest technology empires to ever exist, yet his happy place is a small village with no access to televisions, phones or the internet. He fell in love with the thatched roof bungalows surrounded by clear waters, so much so he had one of the hales in Kona Village on a retainer, so he could visit at a moment’s notice. The escapism Hawaii provided was a much-needed break and the simple, yet stunning setting was his source of inspiration.

Oprah Winfrey – Her Own Garden

Oprah is worth $2.8 billion but when it comes to getting away and regaining focus, her go to location isn’t far from home. So much so, she only goes as far as her own back garden. While her garden and home might be larger than most, it’s the simplicity of sitting under an oak tree next to her dogs, surrounded by lavender plants that brings her calm.

Princess Diana – The Sunken Garden

The nature theme continues as Princess Diana would stop by the garden at her former home in Kensington Palace and marvel at its scenery. She would express her delight at the setting to the gardeners who worked there. The serene setting inspired her and after the death, this location became a memorial garden in her honour.

Bill Gates – Skradin, Croatia

Bill Gates, another billionaire and technology giant, would also take delight away from the masses and technology by visiting a town with a population size of only 4,000 people. The small yet stunning location on the Dalmatian Coast is where he often frequents with his family.

David Bowie – Washington Square Park

Another natural surrounding. While Oprah and Diana appreciated the delights of nature, Bowie enjoyed the park setting due to the eclectic mix of people that he would see there. He liked seeing society mix and he felt that people could be themselves there. This is why Washington Square Park was his go to location for inspiration, and when you consider he recorded his first US number one, Fame, at a studio in close proximity, something obviously worked for him.

Barack Obama – Hailua Bay, Hawaii

Barack Obama grew up in Hawaii, but it is the spirit of the country that makes him continuously return. His wife said that to understand Barack, you had to understand Hawaii. He was captivated by the ‘aloha spirit’ and he even admitted he tried to enforce this into his presidency. If he needs inspiration he visits the place and surrounds himself by the locals. Just being there is enough to spur him on.

Carrie Fisher – Kensington, London

Carrie first visited London when she went to drama school there but like Barack she got an overwhelming feeling of belonging whenever there. Visiting friends, looking around the antique markets or appreciating the architecture, whatever she did during her visits, it was the nature of the place that helped her find inspiration.

There’s a lot we can learn from where successful people find inspiration. You don’t need an Instagrammable holiday destination, you don’t need to be surrounded by a vast team and you don’t need to have the latest technology on hand. Taking appreciation from the little things in life and knowing when to switch off can help you find that little glimmer you’ve been looking for. If you’re stuck in a rut then, follow in Steve Job’s footsteps and switch off from your devices. If you are looking for something to reset your mind, take a page from Oprah’s book, take a stroll in the park and marvel at the stunning setting of surrounding nature. You never know just how impactful finding your happy place could be and looking at the success of some of the people mentioned above, it’s worth a try.

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