What Abe Allouche Learned from Being a Beach Bum to Creating a Thriving Boardshort Empire and Still Finding Plenty of Time to Do What He Loves the Most: Surf!

Abe Allouche

Miami raised Abe Allouche was born with an entrepreneurial spirit. Choosing the road less traveled, his destiny was to create a business from scratch. After years of traveling the world and following his dreams of surfing exotic waves, his journeys led Allouche to Bali, Indonesia where in 1998 he established Island Daze with a simple idea; design the best boardshorts in the world to do what he loved to do, surf. Two decades later Allouche has single handedly built Island Daze into a global leader in private label surf apparel design, development and production as well as started his own Boardshort collection: BBO. You can find his boardshorts at the best surf shops and specialty stores in every corner of the globe.

Opportunities can present themselves anywhere and at anytime ….

On his journey, Allouche did not know that he wanted to become an entrepreneur or that surfing apparel was his future. The truth is, this is was an opportunity that he created for himself from something that some might have considered a setback. He left home and moved to Hawaii in search of great waves and a change. After many years in Hawaii, Allouche found himself in Bali. Little did he know, following my heart and the perfect wave would change his life forever. Living hand to mouth was getting old at this point. Along the way he had befriended a factory owner who taught Allouche the fundamentals of production. The idea of making something out of raw fabric fascinated Allouche. This was when he knew he could make boardshorts and share them with other surfers, so he sold some of his surfboards and made enough money for an initial production run.

Building something you’re passionate about is important…

In hindsight, it makes perfect sense that Island Daze became Allouche’s destiny. As a young surfer, he lived in boardshorts and needed them to hold up through the wear and tear of daily, unrelenting use. The decision to start his own surf apparel company was so organic because it stemmed directly from something he was already so passionate about. His driving motivation has always been to create products with the perfect balance of quality, durability, style and value.

Surround yourself with people that believe in your product as much as you do…

Part of his dream has always been to be able to work while still surrounding himself with good energy and like-minded people. In Bali, where all of the initial manufacturing was taking place back in 1998, Allouche rented a three-room shanty (the new Island Daze HQ) near a string of world class surfing spots and it became a crash pad for fellow surfers and friends who shared the “living the dream” and “embracing the journey” company values. The energy that was created at the shanty, through the surfer’s support and motivation, inspired him to push himself as well as his startup company towards success. Some of the people who were part of that inspiration were Myles Padaca who went on to win the Triple Crown of Surfing; Dave Boneventura founded Vestal and Tsovet watches; Nick Billington built his dreamboat and sails it around the world; and Pancho Sullivan who is renowned for being the most powerful surfer in the world, winning a gold medal at the ESPN X-Games and for finishing as one of the top surfers on the World Championship Tour, as well as Allouche’s business partner since 2014.

(Left) Pancho Sullivan and Abe Allouche

Have fun, success will follow…

Choosing to start a company that encompassed what he loved most, has been the fuel to 20 plus years of successful work and play. One of the best parts of Allouche’s job is working on all the marketing collateral and new collections as he get to travel with some of the best people in the world to some of the most beautiful places out there. His business is his passion and his passion is his business. Allouche started Island Daze with $2,000 and now he and his team are the leaders in private label for surfing and lifestyle apparel. Allouche never made money the focal point of his success, it was all about building a great company, money was always a by-product to all the hard work.

Allouche credits a great deal of his success to the people he works with and the people he has met along the way: surfers, photographers, videographers, men and women who are the best in the business.

He and his team work very hard but still manage to find time to go on surf trips. For Allouche, finding a balance is key. According to him, surfing is the one thing that refuels the fire that allows him to continue to be creative and push for success so he is sticking with it!

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