15 Steps to Become a Successful Sales Professional


Being a successful salesperson may not be as easy as you think. Most people consider it to be a simple task, but get embarrassed once they fail to sell their product. This career requires you to have the necessary skills, attitude, and commitment as any other job or career does. Being a salesperson is not something that you can decide to do in your free time; instead, it is a full-time job for some people. For you to be a successful salesperson, you need to be equipped with three main characteristics: be optimistic and confident, prioritize customers, and lastly, you need to sell the product. As a salesperson, you need the above skills more than anything else.


1. Love your career

For you to succeed in anything you do, you need to first love what you are doing. It is not only required in the sales field, but with all dreams that you have. No matter how hard it is to do so, you always have to be objective towards a better future for your business. Even if you sell one product in two days, never lose hope; keep moving and know that the journey has fruits in the future. It may seem disheartening for you to be rejected by prospects in the field, but aim at drawing them back to ensure that you eventually make a sale with them.

2. Have active objectives

For one to be a successful salesperson, they need to aim at having excellent and future-oriented intentions from the beginning. For you to become what you dream to be, you need to know what you want to achieve in the industry. Be specific about what you want; the earlier you begin working on it, the better. It is a journey of ups and downs; be prepared with good objectives to guide you forward. They should be timely and achievable and help to identify priorities.

3. Aim at improving

The journey might seem hard, but you should be well-prepared. Improvement is gradual; you cannot expect to be the top seller within a day. There is a lot that you go through before reaching the top level. As a good seller, you should aim at improving, even if it is a slow improvement. Every career has challenges; the path is never smooth in any phase. Falling is a reasonable step, but aim at rising back up as soon as possible in order to achieve set goals. Keep assessing yourself every time that happens; this will help you determine whether you are making any progress.

4. Have role models

These are people who have made it in life before you. As a good seller, you must have somebody who you admire and wish to be like when you grow in your career. Aim at choosing the best character that you can get access to and contact in the event you face challenges. Picking somebody who is far away is acceptable, but aim at having a close person who can mentor you. It takes time to find one who is reliable, but you should connect with one who can take you to the field and teach you how they practice the skill. Everyone has a mentor and everyone needs advice at times. It is crucial to have mentors that can guide you on how to do business.

5. Have achievable goals

Everybody has potential; aim at knowing your potential in order to make attainable goals. Focus on setting goals that are not over-ambitious, so as to get the right momentum in the field. Achievable goals will keep you from striving to earn what you cannot reasonably sell at a certain time. Success is a process; move step by step, and every stage has its challenges. Set goals at every level to manage good sales. Ensure that you achieve the goals you had set for the phases of your journey.

Prioritize customers

This is the next foundation of the sales career. It is the stage that determines whether you can make it in the field or not. Here you can decide whether you should continue or not. Follow these points to be successful.

1. Give the prospect a short, precise introduction about yourself

Talk well in an understandable language to the client. Present a brief and clear introduction so the client can understand who you are. Don’t tell the prospect too much, as that will not give them a chance to express who they are to you. The discussion should be balanced for both parties to make the client feel included in the dialogue. Never introduce the product before being given their introduction. The good balance of the discussion may inspire the customer to love your product before even telling him or her what it is.

2. Be inquisitive

A good salesperson should be vulnerable and curious; ask as many questions as possible. This will help you understand your prospects well; it is not an easy task to win them over as some are very hard to convince. Most clients think that salespeople are scammers in some countries. Thus, it can hard to influence prospects to buy your product. The more questions you ask, the more you will understand the clients’ weaknesses and problems. This will help you later when selling the product. You should ask questions like; “Should you get in an accident today, how will your family be?” This will help the client feel like you care (which you really should); at the same time, you’re getting closer to completing a life insurance sale.

3. Be creative and intelligent

Characteristics that very successful sellers have involve being smart and creative in everything. These traits help when facing hard-hitting and insulting questions from clients. You will be able to control your emotions in situations where you give your time yet customers send you away. You will never be welcomed in all places; it will happen that at times, you won’t make a sale the entire day. Should you quit? No! You should research something that will be appealing to customers so that next time they welcome you. Some people will never understand you or buy your product. Ask questions that drive your client to tell you his or her problems. Also, enlighten the client about the possible threats of not solving the issues effectively. Your discussion needs to help but not to scare.

4. Know the prospect’s mood

The prospect’s mood will help you make relevant conclusions about him or her. Aim at understanding why the client is sad or not responding; look at their behavior. That will help you to know if the client is not interested in your product or if something is wrong with your presentation. Try to correct the wrongdoing and don’t lose your positive attitude. An upbeat air will guide the client back to a calm mood; you might end up making a sale.

5. Impose solutions to prospects’ problems

At this stage, you are almost introducing what you are selling to the client. The second phase and the first are mainly to prod the client to be curious about your product. At times, the client may tempt you to tell him or her about the product, but don’t until you reach this step. Let the prospect know how you are going to solve his or her problems by presenting valid solutions.

6. Product description

This is the most critical part of selling. Some salespeople end up not selling as effectively as others. Before approaching the client, you should have thorough product knowledge and detailed information at hand. Make the product sound better than others by not speaking about the negative aspects of other products. This description should answer questions like: what is the product, what is its purpose and how can it help solve the prospect’s problems? According to plenty of TweakYourBiz sales training videos, as an excellent seller, you should stop trying to sell a lot; providing unique value is more significant.

Sell the product

Having finalized the product description, now you can sell the product to the customer. Your selling strategies should be based on the following:

1. Give the prospect room to ask questions

Let the customer decide what to ask you before buying your product. You can start by asking the customer to list any challenges experienced when buying the product. Have a solution ready in case the customer has a problem in purchasing the product. Think of alternative ways to make the client feel better and included. When there is no solution, request the client’s contact info so you can follow up later with a resolution.

2. Allow the prospect to make decisions

Decision-making is the part where most sellers fail; they start asking clients whether they want to buy or not. It is the customer who is supposed to decide when they want to buy or not. When you give the client time to make a choice, you can win the client over. Allow time for them to assess, think and come up with their own conclusion.

3. Have a follow-up schedule for clients

This is the most critical part of the selling arena; it will inspire the client to give you many referrals. Following up strengthens your network and expands it. There will be a time when you won’t need to look for clients; they will be calling you to purchase products. You should include in your emails or calls those who rejected your product so that you can understand why they did not buy. This will help you correct your selling skills to better communicate in the future. Think about why they didn’t buy the product and how you can close the sale at a later date.

4. Update the clients

After finding success with your business, implement growth plans to sell even more in future quarters, and come up with new related products. Call, send a message or email clients when you have new products on the market. Clients will be motivated to purchase further when hearing about new innovations or an upgraded product. Plan events and invite them so that you can get their feedback; have products available to purchase and also make sure to creatively display them so it’s not too promotional.

In a nutshell, a lot happens in the selling arena. By following up on recent technological trends, you can keep abreast with your competitors and also take note of price fluctuations. Deliver quality services at a reasonable price, and your customers will become loyal followers. The world is changing every day; therefore, continuing to prosper will be based on how creative you can get. Invest in training to get more experience and grow your skill set.

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