How to Master Sales Conversion Even If You Don’t Like Sales

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There are two types of people in this world. Those who love selling and are very good at it. And those who don’t like selling, even if they can be good at it. Mastering sales conversions is one thing that will help your business succeed and grow. When it comes to sales, it doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, I’ve broken it down into a three step process that delivers results even if you don’t like selling: mindset, testing, and perfecting.

The first step in mastering sales is mindset, which determines so much of how we function and how our business grows and thrives. Before we can make any sale, we have to understand that we are worthy of getting paid for our services. Whether your business is sales funnels, or business coach, or anything else in between you are good enough and deserve to get paid for your time and effort. This is done the best by collecting social proof and realizing all of the great results you’ve gotten for clients are  right in front of you.

You should also understand that someone out there needs your service, so not selling would be a disservice to them, and of course to your business’ bottom line. When you are not actively selling, you could be missing out on potentially hundreds of new clients because they aren’t seeing your message through Facebook ads, or not being sent through your email funnel.

The second part of mastering sales converting is testing. Start by brainstorming things that you are excited to sell. Try to come up with at least ten things, and take action on three of them to start. Be sure each item is something you know well, and know how to explain in a simple and concise way to the customer. Be sure to involve your audience. They are the buyer after all! See where their interest is the biggest. Research what connects the best with customers. For example, when you want to sell a digital course, pre-sell your audience before creating the actual course.

Generally it’s also a good idea to think about having a flagship program, which would bring in the majority of your income. Take this into consideration while you are testing your different offers. On top of that you can then launch something new in-between programs or slower seasons when you want something new. Be strategic about how you do this. There are so many ways to sell, that these programs and launches can be actually one item sold multiple times in different structures and ways. Think about having a live group program as a flagship piece, then turning that into a self-paced course to be sold again, with the exact same content.

The last part of mastering sales, even if you don’t like selling, is the art of perfecting your sales conversion. Everything needs to be to your highest standards then perfected upon before selling a product or service to your audience. People are smarter than ever and they can catch a good deal, or a bad deal instantly.. Take what works in your program and concentrate on that, especially at the beginning of selling. Do not create five new offers every month. This is not only confusing for the audience, but it’s exhausting for you.

Think of your selling skills as a muscle. If a runner doesn’t train regularly their muscles will not be as good as they are if they are training when it’s time for the big race. The same is true for selling. It’s a race and if you or your employees are not training every day, you’ll lose so much of what you’ve already built up for the big race day.

Once you master these three steps you can make those sales conversions in your business with ease. Remember that anything can be sold. Find something unique to you. Just because everyone else you’ve seen is dong webinars doesn’t mean you have to do them too. In fact, not doing the same thing as everyone else will help you stand out more!

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