Great Things to Consider for a Great Lawn


The words Lawn and Backyard are not as narrow in meaning as they once were. The idea of the dutifully trimmed lawn and the simple flowerbed under the front window has evolved into so much more. With that significant variety comes a great number of things to keep in mind when planning that ideal outdoor space, that picture-perfect lawn. Here are some wonderful things to consider when starting to plan that great lawn.

Pick the Right “Coverage”

Nothing beats a lush, green lawn. The kind of grass that covers the lawn can make all the difference, depending on the region and climate. For example, residents in a northern city such as Minneapolis would use a fescue for their lawn. Whereas residents in Jacksonville would be advised to use bermudagrass because it’s better adapted to Florida, according to WikiLawn Jacksonville. And if mowing on a regular basis isn’t appealing, well there is a solution to that as well. All it takes is careful consideration when choosing what kind of green lush plant-life to have. Some lower-maintenance options that are often used in place of traditional grass lawns, usually referred to as groundcover plants, are Bermuda grass, Clover, Corsican Mint and more.

Design a Landscape

Choosing between groundcover plants and a traditional grass lawn is just a part of the bigger picture, and that bigger picture is the entire landscape design of the backyard. Putting time into designing a landscape can make all the difference in the world when planning out the perfect backyard or lawn. The process of designing involves choosing groundcover, garden placement, plant selections, irrigation and so much more. So it’s important to be open to inspirational landscape design options.

Pollinator Gardens

When planning for flowerbeds and other beautifying gardens, it’s helpful to remember that nature wants to help. Something that many people put into their landscape designs is a simple pollinator garden. This can be comprised of various species of milkweed, aster, sunflowers and so much more. The benefit of pollinator gardens is that they attract pollinators! Of course, that much is in the name, but having pollinators as regular visitors improves the health of any garden’s mini-ecosystem.

Symbiotic Planting

The concept of placing a pollinator garden in a landscape design, be it backyard or front lawn or other, is an example of conscientious planting, what can also be called symbiotic planting. When two or more plants are in a symbiotic relationship it means that they live within close proximity to each other, more times than not to the benefit of all involved. So when planning that perfect backyard or lawn, it’s helpful to be mindful of where to plant particular plants and how they interact or thrive with others.

A Natural Feng Shui

This is by no means the last great thing to consider for a great lawn, but it is certainly a great concept to end with. Consider the art of Feng Shui and how it is commonly used to maximize a space and make it feel as welcoming and comfortable as possible. Feng Shui isn’t exclusive to foyers and bedrooms. It can be, and should be, kept in mind when designing a landscape and planning a garden. Find that perfect balance between the shade of trees and the open sky, between privacy hedges and clear space for family gatherings on that beautiful summer day. Order a large selection of tree privacy in Mississauga for privacy purposes in creating a beautiful landscape on your property.

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