Podcast – John Asher – Win Over a Buyer’s Brain – Understand the Science of the Sale

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John Asher says that sales is a science. Understand the science of the sale and increase your home business sales revenue. If you understand how the brain works, and get into your buyer’s brain, you’ll close more deals.

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John Asher Close Deals Faster

In this episode of Home Business Radio, Richard “Capt’n” Henderson and Managing Editor Sherilyn Colleen interview John Asher, author of Close Deals Faster, and CEO of Asher Strategies, a high-level growth strategy consulting firm focused on improving sales. For more information visit asherstrategies.com.

Subjects Discussed with John Asher in this Podcast

* The three different parts of the brain, and how you appeal to each one to close a sales deal

* How you can use stories to convince a prospect to buy

* Why snap judgments will lead to lost sales

* Four levels of emotional intelligence that you can use to expertly connect with customers

* Whether emotion or logic is more important when making a sale

So get into your buyer’s brain to help close more sales and grow your home business revenue.

Episode Sponsor: CityAmerica * www.cityamerica.com

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Interview Guest:

John Asher

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Home Business Podcast

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