Podcast: Mompreneur Business Startup & Success Advice from Dr. Glenna Rice

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Interview with Dr. Glenna Rice, Owner of Access Physical Therapy

According to a recent global study, there is a worldwide gender confidence gap and women everywhere are unlikely to recognize their own expertise, brilliance and potential.

A successful parenting and business coach believes that mothers often hold themselves back from entrepreneurism, simply because they underestimate their own abilities. She is on a mission to help mothers understand how competent – how qualified – they are to run a business.

In this episode of Home Business Radio, Richard “Capt’n” Henderson and Managing Editor Sherilyn Colleen interview Dr. Glenna Rice, owner of Access Physical Therapy in San Rafael, CA, and and certified facilitator of several Access Consciousness® special programs, including Joy of Business and Access Body Class. Dr. Rice has been working with dancers, athletes, children and other individuals for more than 25 years. 

Glenna is a single mother of three, and knows firsthand how to negotiate raising incredible children whilst building and running several successful practices and businesses. She teaches Conscious Parenting, Conscious Kids classes worldwide, hosts a monthly radio show, The Questionable Parent, and is a contributing author for two bestselling books on parenting. Visit www.glennarice.com.

“The skills that a woman naturally acquires in the act of being a mum are incredibly valuable in the business world”, she says.

Dr. Rice understands the pressures of being both a mother and business owner, having built her thriving private practice and several personal coaching businesses, all whilst raising three children on her own. She shares her insight for mompreneurs out there looking to start and build their own business.

Subjects discussed in this podcast include:

* Why developing mothers into entrepreneurs is so important to her
* Skills parents develop that are effective in business
* Strategies to balance the needs of a business and those of children
* How to stay positive, motivated, and focused on possibility
* Changes in her career, how her new business developed, and how she made it work


So tune in to hear advice for moms out there on how being a parent translates into success in the business world.

Episode Sponsor: Cruises, Inc. * www.SellCruises.com

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