Podcast – Angela Leavitt – Business Travel Hacks for Mobile Warriors

Angela Leavitt

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Many home business owners have conferences and events to attend, especially during the holiday season. Add in your scheduled planning sessions with remote clients into the mix, and you may find yourself on the road more than in your home office. Angela Leavitt says that with so much going on, your road warrior self may fall behind on completing actual work and feel overwhelmed. If only the world would stop turning while you’re on the road, right? Wrong!

In this episode of Home Business Radio, Richard “Capt’n” Henderson and Managing Editor Sherilyn Colleen interview Angela Leavitt, the founder of Mojo Marketing. Leavitt travels frequently for work and has tips on how you as a home business operator can keep productive and stress-free while on the road.

Subjects discussed in this podcast include:

* Ways you can de-stress on the road when travelling for work

* Whether you should hold off on scheduling those client meetings while traveling

* Things you can do to make sure you prioritize your time

* How to ensure that you are able to access that PowerPoint presentation or your notes, and that technology doesn’t fail on you

* Whether it’s a good time to prepare your marketing plans or budget for the new year when back at the hotel

* Technology to use so travelers can keep in touch with family

* Hiring experts to manage marketing efforts to ease the stress

While business travel may be a necessary evil for you, it doesn’t have to bring your work to a halt. So come aboard and sail with us as we discuss these travel hacks provided by Angela Leavitt. You’ll find your next business trip will be much more productive, and maybe even enjoyable.

Episode Sponsor: Rotovac.  www.rotovac.com

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