How YouTube Can Help You Grow Your Business Success

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Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash

In the twenty-first century, social media marketing is partially replacing traditional ad campaigns. Having active profiles on different social media platforms is a must if you want to reach your potential customers. One of the most popular social networks in the world is YouTube. This brings us to the question: how does this platform, which is based on videos, help you run a business?

We will find out together in this article. Are you ready? Let’s dig in!

Reaching a Bigger Audience Than You Could Expect

This is one of the most attractive features that YouTube can offer to you. More than a billion people visit the platform each month, and hundreds of hours are uploaded daily. That means that you can have an endless flow of new potential customers. Of course, you still have to think about how to drive users’ attention to your channel. The easiest way to attract new real people is to promote your videos on all of your social media channels to grow your YouTube views. This can increase the value of your channel by manipulating the mechanism of social approval, meaning that the bigger the numbers that people see, the better the chance that they will watch the video too.

So with higher views, you can easily pique the interest of a much bigger audience than you can using traditional ads. Traditional ads are more expensive, require longer terms to get results, and strongly depend on the location. In contrast, social media doesn’t have borders and time limits. Boosting your account takes a matter of a few hours, and then all you have to do is maintain the flow of traffic.

Generating a Lot of Traffic

Around 80% of businesses use YouTube for marketing purposes, and for good reason. By being active online and providing high-quality content, you can encourage people to visit your site or other social media platforms without putting much effort into it. Simply adding your website link to your video’s description can increase your traffic. Remember that you have to come up with the coolest content that will pique interest in your brand. Here are a few tips that will help:

  • Create beautiful videos that show the best features of your product.
  • Provide how-to videos that show your customers how to use it properly.
  • Share fun facts about the industry that you occupy and interesting stories from your clientele (after you get their permission to share it, of course).

Also, you can collaborate with YouTube influencers for a better result—make a deal with the vloggers who you find suitable to present your products and watch how your traffic rate rises like crazy!

Increasing Your Discoverability on Google

YouTube is a part of Google, which brings certain benefits to your brand. In its Universal Search, Google blends in all the videos, images, and articles that correspond to the query, which in turn provides more accurate results to the user. Nowadays, Google search tends to show more videos than it did a few years ago. This means that Google’s algorithms are considering video content a valuable and trustworthy source of information, along with the text. So to make this feature work for you, ensure that you meet a few conditions:

  • Your titles, hashtags, and descriptions have the relevant keywords included.
  • Your content is categorized and organized properly.
  • Your videos complement your blog articles (if you have a blog on your website).

There can be many other options that depend on the niche that you occupy. To avoid common mistakes, you should consult with SMM specialists.

Providing a Huge Economy in Many Spheres

As we mentioned before, running a YouTube channel is much cheaper than launching a classic ad campaign. The end results can also really be a few times better and faster. Also, you can use YouTube as a platform to educate and qualify your employees. Recording workshops or online streaming will cost you much less than traveling and staying with the affiliates of your company to work on improvement. Therefore, you can invest the money you saved into other aspects of your work, like quality checks or better equipment.

Analyzing Like a Pro

YouTube has a feature called Insights, which works similar to Google Analytics and helps you keep track of your results on the platform. You can easily access your channel’s stats and see how everything goes. Based on this information, you can adjust your content, uploading time, etc. to get a better reach. Also, with the Insights, you can find out how users are actually discovering your channel and work your way to the top with the proper keywords and descriptions.

Achieving User-Generated Content

Nothing can work better on behalf of your product than a video review recorded by your client. We cannot stress enough how important it is to encourage your customers to provide you with their feedback. Not only will it help you collect information for future analysis, but it will also attract more potential customers and show them the quality and features of your product.

Enhancing Brand Awareness and Social Approval

In the modern world, it is not enough to sell a fine product to be appreciated. Nowadays, consumers want to know the social position of your business. And social media platforms, including YouTube, are providing many opportunities to increase brand awareness and loyalty. Being close to your audience can be very fruitful for your business, as people will trust you more. To create a bond with your potential and actual customers, try these tips:

  • Provide ecologically and socially significant initiatives, and highlight them on your social media channels.
  • Share your brand’s position on the affairs of the world that deeply impact society (e.g. COVID-19 pandemic, BLM movement, Pride Month…).
  • Encourage your followers to create content for your brand and reward them for it. Integrating user-generated content into your business’s marketing initiatives is a big plus in the eyes of your potential customers.
  • Host contests, giveaways, lotteries, etc.
  • Make exclusive offers and sales for your followers on YouTube or any other platform.

All these actions share one goal: to improve and tighten your bond with the audience. A sincere and heartfelt attitude towards the public online and offline will be rewarded with great benefits for your company.

Having All the Fun

After all, having a YouTube channel can be fun and interesting for you. It is a good way to educate and develop yourself. Also, as YouTube is a social network where communication is vital, you will get closer to your customers and actually learn something about them. You can find support from influencers and other businesses, which can result in interesting and fruitful collaborations.

You can show the human side of your company, providing insights on your company workdays, holidays, Freaky Fridays, or anything that makes your brand unique. Sharing the information about the life of your brand can cultivate more loyalty from your audience and potential employees. But make sure that the picture you expose corresponds to reality. Don’t try to make it look totally professional; add a lightweight and jolly mood.


YouTube is a very important part of marketing strategies nowadays. This is a cheaper and faster alternative to traditional visual advertisements like TV commercials. YouTube will help your business grow and develop, and it will expand your reach significantly.

The paragraphs above cover some efficient features that using YouTube provides, but there is a whole world to explore and conquer. YouTube and all other social platforms are the instruments that create a human face for your brand and help you connect with your customers. And this bond can not only increase your sales, but also help you better understand the needs of consumers and deliver what they really want to them.

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