4 Reasons Why You Should Be Utilizing YouTube in Your Digital Marketing

Tablet Showing YouTube
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

YouTube is one of the most effective internet marketing tools out there, but many people have yet to figure it out. However, if you want to drive more traffic to your website, landing page, blog, squeeze page or personal (or affiliate) product, then YouTube is the strategy you definitely need to consider.

Here are four reasons why YouTube should be one of your key marketing strategies:

1.) You Gain Credibility as an Authority Figure

You begin to establish credibility when you get your voice out there, which helps you start building trust with your audience. If you keep getting your voice out there, you will eventually be viewed as an expert in your niche.

Once you decide to start posting to your YouTube channel, you’ve already given yourself a lead over your competition. Few people are willing to post videos on YouTube, so you will have the advantage of having less competitors and more chances to establish yourself as a leader in your niche.

People who are popular on YouTube don’t have special abilities; they are average people who don’t mind sharing their experiences because they aren’t scared of being in front of a camera regularly.

You don’t have to strive for perfection just to post on YouTube–all you need to do is try. The more videos you post, the more you increase your ranking in search engines.

To be a leader online, it’s a necessity to own a YouTube channel to diversify your marketing strategies.

2.) Substantial Amounts of Traffic

A lot of people cruise through YouTube every day because they use it as a search engine to look up various topics. People are more visual these days and would rather you show them what they want to know than read about it.

Because few people are brave enough to get in front of a camera, you will be one of the lucky ones who get to optimize a YouTube channel. Anybody who starts a YouTube channel can get a ton of traffic because a lot of the competition won’t try this marketing tactic.

Your numbers are important if you are a digital marketer. Thanks to YouTube’s analytical features, you can keep track of your numbers. For instance, if you want to see how much traffic you are getting, you can use YouTube’s analytics instead of Google Analytics.

Another perk of YouTube is the quality of the traffic you get. After all, it’s no use having a lot of traffic if that traffic is of poor quality.

Because people are more visual these days, YouTube has more traffic than most other sources on the internet. People who use YouTube are either searching for solutions to a problem or they’re doing extended research on a certain topic.

Think about how many times you go to YouTube—even if you’re just searching for a song. Remember, others check out YouTube almost every day just to watch something. Therefore, you can always expect YouTube to get a heavy amount of traffic every day.

Which brings me to my next reason…

3.) Easier to Rank Than Blog Articles

YouTube owns Google, which is probably why a lot of YouTube videos instead of websites will have top-ranking positions in Google’s search results. It’s amazing how much weight a YouTube video has in comparison to a blog or website. If you’re not tapping into YouTube as an SEO tool, then you’re missing out on a lot of organic traffic and money.

A 5-10-minute YouTube video done with a smartphone or a camera can potentially rank quick in Google. As long as your videos are optimized with best SEO practices in mind and transcribed properly, the sky is the limit in terms of search rankings and organic traffic.

Start with longer tail keyword phrases (between 2-4 words long) to see if your SEO is better than that of your competitors. If you outrank your competition, keep using longer tail keyword phrases (and try broad language).

4.) More Exposure for Your Website

You can direct more traffic to your website or blog when using YouTube. All you need to do is include a link in the description section for your video. You can tell your audience, “Hey, check out my blog on…”

The more traffic your YouTube channel gets, the more likely people will visit your website and start buying what you’re selling. Because YouTube is a great place to build trust and establish credibility, it will work wonders for directing daily reading traffic.

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