9 Ways to Use Video in Your Social Media Marketing

Person Filming Video
Photo by nappy from Pexels

If you want to get more reach and engagement on social media, you should be creating more video content. This is because social media algorithms these days prioritize videos over photo and text posts. They will move videos higher in the feed.

Creating videos can seem like a complicated step, especially if you’re just starting out. So, here are a few different ways to use video in your social media marketing. Hope they give you some ideas…

Share tutorials:

If you ask more people what sort of content they want to view most, they will say that they want to view educational tutorials. This is because everybody likes them. So, think about your audience and the troubles they are facing. Then think about the solutions you can offer and share them in video tutorials.

Make sure these are full of top tips they won’t get anywhere. This will help you stand out from the competition. People should want to watch your videos more.

To get these right, you should invest in a good camera, lighting, and video editing software.

Share screen recordings:

The videos don’t have to always contain a person teaching them something. They can also be screen recordings where people show you how to do something on the screen. Screen recordings work for promoting software.

For this, you will require a good screen recording tool.

Create video ads:

Organic video marketing methods will only help you reach a certain number of people. This is why you should combine them with video ads. With video ads, you can reach more people instantly and grow your following and sales quickly.

But make sure you follow a good strategy while investing in video ads if you want a good ROI. Most people run ads like they are playing the lottery and as a result, make very little.

Team up with influencers:

Another paid method you can try is influencer marketing. There are a lot of good influencer marketing tools out there that can help you reach quality influencers. So, make sure you get one like SocialBook – https://socialbook.io/about.

And decide your budget early on for this. If you have a small budget, you can try and get free promotion. While if you have a larger budget, you can take advantage of sponsored posts. If you can spend on sponsored posts, you will grow quickly because the largest influencers with the most engaging followings will usually ask for it.

If you invest money into it, make sure you spend a lot of time creating the perfect video.

Invest in live video:

Another popular video marketing method you should try out is live video. Social networks give even more preference to live video. So, you should be able to reach many more people than with regular pre-recorded video. They can also drive more sales as they have the same effect as webinars.

Optimize for search engines:

Social networks like YouTube also work like search engines. So, if you optimize your videos for SEO, you will rank higher and get more views. SEO-optimized videos also rank well on search engines like Google. These will help drive some extra views.

Answer FAQs:

The FAQs page is one of the most popular pages on your website. This is why you should create a video version of it for social media. This can be a great addition for sites such as Instagram, as you can create an FAQ video as an Instagram story and then highlight it. It will be displayed right at the top, and people can use it to find answers. You can actually combine this with Instagram’s checkout feature to generate sales.

Conduct interviews:

Make sure you invite the top experts in your niche and then interview them. This should be an expert your audience looks up to. The interview could be a live one or a recorded one. It will be better to do it live, as people can ask them questions during the video.

Share user-generated content:

Another popular form of social video is user-generated content. You should encourage your audience to create it and submit it. You can then pick the best ones and publish them.

UGC can make your audience feel special and help establish a strong relationship with them. A UGC campaign can also help you find creative influencers.


These are 9 ways to use video in your social media marketing. They will work on almost all the top social networks.

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