5 Easy Ways to Grow Your Instagram Account These Days

Person taking photo of leaf with smartphone
Photo by Maria Shanina on Unsplash

Growing your Instagram account means that you have to attract an active following. There are various ways in which you can build and grow your account. With more than 500 million people logging in at least once every day into their Instagram account, getting a following from such a huge pull of users should not be that difficult. But you do not want just followers for the sake of it. You want an engaging following that you can convert to clients. You can get the best service for growing your Instagram from various sites online, but you also have to put in some work yourself. Here are some tips you can use to grow your account.

Speak Your Audience’s Language

You need to identify your target niche since you cannot just run an account without a target. Once you identify who want to engage with, then start speaking in a language that your audience identifies with. It is useless to talk about gardening and environmental conservation to an audience focused on exercise and fitness, even if you can sneak in some content that is not related to fitness and exercise. It should just be done to break up the monotony. Otherwise, you need to be creative and consistent with the content you share.

Post Creative and Shareable Content

Posting and sharing content is the essence and the driving force behind Instagram. It is the images and videos that you post that start conversations and draw interested parties to your page. When posting, make sure that your content is not only relevant, but also interesting and can compel your followers to like, talk about it and share it on their accounts. The more your followers share your content, the more followers you get and the more your account grows. Use the applications on Instagram to edit video and customize images to have good and attractive content.

In addition to posting and sharing, you may want to share some stories accompanying your images. Plain images might not be that appealing as people will be left with questions regarding the images. Ensure that you add a little information to your pics.

Have a Schedule to Post Content

Your fans and followers want to see new stories at regular intervals. If you go mute for an extended period, then your followers may lose interest in you and maybe unfollow your account. You can try and post content on a daily basis or after every two or three days depending on the content of your account and your audience. In a study conducted back in 2017, Tailwind found out that out of 100,000 accounts, those that posted on a regular basis recorded faster growth in terms of followers and had more engagement than those who took too long between posts.

Use Influencers

Another great way of growing your followers on Instagram is by using influencers. These are people with accounts that already have a massive following and use the same to market popular brands. Check out their profiles and participate in their conversations. You will find people that you share similar ideas with who can be part of your following. Most influencers are celebrities, but you can also find normal individuals who have a massive following. Find those that are in your line of business for maximum effect.

Link Your Account with Your Website

Much as you are looking for followers on Instagram, you also want those followers to go a notch further and see in detail what you have to offer. You can share a link directing people to your website. Those who like what you are offering are likely to share this link on their pages, directing traffic towards your account.

Keep It Simple

People don’t want to second-guess what your account is all about. Keep it simple and straight to the point. This starts with your bio. Ensure that it has the required information and arranged in a manner that people can identify with quickly. Your images and videos should also be simple, but interesting in a manner that entertains and also informs your audience. The simpler your account is, the more people will be in a position to interact with you.

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