Podcast: Hollywood PR – Be a Public Relations Agent for Your Business

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shannah henderson 7653 2 e1506806027769

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In this engaging episode, publicity expert Shannah Carol discusses how YOU can be your own Hollywood-style PR agent. Red carpet expert Shannah Carol shares secrets on simple ways you can promote your home-based business with public relations:

  • How to make you and your business newsworthy & interesting
  • Essentials of a simple PR plan for a home business
  • Using public relations to build your personal brand
  • Essentials of an engaging press release
  • Reaching the right media outlets for your business
  • Cutting through all the clutter to make yourself heard
  • Getting customers to talk about your product or service
  • Conducting radio & TV interviews
  • Whether you should use an outside PR agent
  • Using social media to leverage your PR

With the rise of the Internet and social media, PR is no longer a playground reserved for the wealthy or large corporate business owners. Put PR to work building your personal brand and your home-based business – with Hollywood-style PR!

Episode Sponsor:  Deborah Kay, Global Venture Services, www.workparttimelivefulltime.com

Interview Guest:

PR Expert Shannah Carol








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