Is It Really Necessary to Have Business Cards in 2019?

Businesswoman holding white business card

When it comes to building professional relationships, our ability to share contact information is crucial. Thanks to the rise of mobile technology and social media (read LinkedIn), it became much easier. These days, in order to connect with the right people, we rely less on traditional networking tricks.

With professional websites and applications, business professionals from all over the world can connect with each other without ever leaving the office. But does that mean that we don’t need physical business cards to meet important people? Let’s find out.

Why Have Business Cards Become Less Popular?

To keep up with the fast-paced digital world, most business professionals have created accounts on LinkedIn. And it’s convenient, too. When you create a LinkedIn profile, you have much more space to talk about yourself and your professional journey. Needless to say, a simple business card could never beat LinkedIn’s ability to store information.

There is another reason business cards became less popular. For environmentalists, business cards are just a waste of precious resources. With the rise of the Zerowaste movement, more and more people have decided to go paperless and chose more sustainable options like e-signatures and online business cards.

All these factors make business cards less common but having one is still important for serious business professionals. Here’s why.

How Are Business Cards Useful in 2019?

Despite the increasing popularity of social media and digital business cards, having a printed card is crucial for connecting with fellow professionals in person. Unfortunately, holograms haven’t been invented yet, hence, we need to have something tangible to exchange important contact information.

  • Business Cards Help Build Professional Relationships

By handing out a business card, you present yourself as a specialist. This small detail is a sign of traditional professionalism that still carries significant value in our digital era. A person who knows about the importance of connecting with people will always have a business card.

  • Business Cards Make It Easier to Memorize You

After business events and trade shows, people of business tend to go through the business cards they’ve collected. It is your chance to stand out. If your card is well-designed and attention-grabbing, you incite the receiver to remember you. Be approachable and creative by always having high-quality business cards.

Yes, Business Cards Are Still Necessary

Business cards may not be the fastest nor the easiest way to connect with people and exchange contact information, but it sure does boost your professional image. A well-maintained reputation will help you build important relationships much faster. So, even with all the digital options available on the market, it is too early to ditch a real business card.

To receive the benefits of having a business card and to elevate your professional presence, invest enough time in a professional yet attention-grabbing design. If your business cards are faded and smudged, you won’t make a good first impression. Make sure to choose the right paper stock, work on an appealing design, and use quality printing services. Even in 2019 a simple business card can become a game-changer.

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