Video Marketing Statistics to Get Your Brand Ahead of Your Competition in 2020

Women Looking at Phone
Photo by Jeff Denlea from Pexels

Video is an integral part of any digital marketing strategy. With no sign of slowing down, it’s no longer an option; it’s a necessity.

Whether you want it or not, you better put video marketing at the forefront of your entire marketing strategy. This is how you cut the noise and prevent your brand from getting lost in the crowd.

In 2020, video marketing is going to hit some awesome high notes. The competition will get even more ruthless. Understandably, businesses have come to realize they need to find some new ways — whatever it takes — to stay relevant and reap the benefits they deserve.

Now that the new year is right around the corner and the competition is getting fiercer, you need to enhance your video marketing strategy to stay ahead of the cut-throat competition.

In this article, I highlight popular trends in video marketing to make your brand stand out in 2020 and get the limelight it deserves.

Video Marketing Statistics for 2020: What Can You Expect?

These essential statistics will shed some light on how you can elevate your video marketing strategy in 2020. It’s also to inform your video marketing strategy for the next year properly.

Unsurprisingly, video marketing is still a big front runner for 2020.

The fact that online video consumption has a constant increase up to 100% every year clearly shows that the trend is still far from fading away. It’s just here to stay.

In 2020, it’s projected that more than 84% of all internet traffic will be video content. And almost a million minutes of video are uploaded to the internet by second.

If these numbers have already blown your mind, we’re just getting started.

Since video is a versatile and engaging content format, it’s easy for customers to understand the product better by just sitting and watching it. It’s no wonder that 72% of consumers use video to learn about a product instead of reading the ol’ text in the user manual.

On the other side, marketers like it because it can spread their brand awareness and increase the bottom line.

At least 81% of businesses have integrated video in their marketing strategy. This percentage is a 63% increase compared to last year.

It makes a lot of sense now why video marketing is a long-term winner in digital marketing.

The only way to make the trend fade away is when internet users stop watching videos. And undoubtedly, it won’t happen anytime soon.

Now, the question is: how can you deal with the growth of video marketing that is predicted to increase even more steeply in 2020?

Video Trends for 2020: Stand Out Among the Crowd

The landscape of video marketing grows rapidly year on year. As a wise marketer, you should actively continue to observe and deliberate on the various trends.

These trends might give you more insight into better shaping your digital marketing strategy and standing out from the competition:

1. Don’t Flip the Phone with Vertical Videos

As video consumption in mobile usage continues to double year after year, your video marketing strategies must evolve to focus on mobile experiences.

Statistics say that 75% of users prefer watching horizontally on their phones.

On mobile, vertical video works best most of the time.

Fueled by the rapid growth of social media, it has become a popular trend that you should try for your marketing in 2020.

2. Steal Hearts with How-to Videos

An explainer video is a long-lasting trend in video marketing. It’s designed to help the viewers rather than make it too obvious that you are selling your product to them.

At least 39% of consumers want an explainer video.

To engage your potential customers, you can explain in full detail how they can utilize your product or service in their daily lives. With these types of videos, you can seamlessly build trust with your potential customers.

3. Videos Are Going Live

Live streaming videos are growing massively in popularity on social media channels. From Facebook, YouTube, to Instagram, everyone seems to be a fan of live videos.

This is why you should use this type of video for your marketing in 2020.

Since it happens in real time, viewers can actively join as the live video is taking place. This means you not only get your brand acknowledged, but also engage more customers instantaneously.

4. Turn Heads with 360-Degree Videos

360-degree video is probably one of the most exciting trends in video marketing.

Your potential customers can watch your video from every angle by swiping or moving their phone around.

According to statistics, 74% of marketers who use this platform claim a big success. And more than 19% of businesses have already planned their strategy to start using this platform in 2020.

Using this “advanced type” of a video is an excellent way of highlighting how your marketing strategy is innovative and forward-facing.

Because this trend is still quite new, you can easily impress your potential customers with it.

5. Immerse Your Customers with VR Video

Another advanced type of video content is VR video. It gives your viewers a new viewing experience by putting them at the center of the video.

Instead of watching your video on a screen, your potential customers are the central part of the story.

More than 64% claim that they have been successful using VR as their marketing strategy, while 11% of businesses plan to start using this technology in the upcoming year.

This immersive technology offers a tremendous opportunity for your video marketing.

You can get a leg up on the competition and attract new audiences with fascinating VR videos.

Summing Up

Video content has been a pivotal part of the marketing mix over the last few years.

As the statistics indicate that this lucrative market will only keep growing every year, marketers have to innovatively look for ways to make their brand stand out among the crowd.

In the next year, and more years to come, the video will continue to play a role — but it’s going to evolve in response to consumers’ behavior.

To help you plan your video marketing strategy next year, we’ve summed up more fascinating numbers on this infographic titled “Video Marketing Statistics for 2020”:

Video marketing strategy infographic

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