Why Offline Businesses Must Invest in Online Marketing


Contrary to what many believe, online marketing is not exclusively for online companies, far from it in fact. Regardless of whether you have a small business or a larger enterprise, you cannot allow the opportunity of marketing online pass you by. The world has changed radically in the last 20 years since the widespread use of the internet began, and it is vital that your business stays on top of the latest trends in order maintain your success and seek future growth. If you aren’t convinced that you should be marketing online, here are some reasons which may change your mind.

Organic Search

Consumers are now using organic search for around 94% of their online activities, and they are not just searching for websites. In fact, in the last year, we have seen the sharpest rise in consumers using search engines to find brick and mortar businesses near them. In the same way that directories would have been used in the past such as the Yellow Pages, search engines are now the place to go to find a local business. An SEO specialist is essential to unlock the potential success which you can find as a result of this high volume of organic searches.

Already Talking

Whether you are marketing your business online or not, you can guarantee that people are already talking about you online. Take review sites for example, a perfect place for people to share their experiences about your company. Whether you are actively trying to shape this conversation or not, the conversation is still being held. There is no ignoring the internet; the choice is between allowing people to talk about you, or encouraging them to learn more about you with a smart online marketing strategy.

Audience Size

There are over 2 billion people around the world who use the internet and even in your own locality the number of potential customers who actually use the web will easily be in the 90% range. You just cannot count on this number of people in any other approach, be it billboards, radio ads or any other ads which you can dream up. You have to tap into this audience in order to bring more people into the business, boosting your sales as a result.

Internet Network Concept


The biggest difference between digital marketing and traditional marketing is the ability of the former to concentrate marketing efforts towards those who are considered target customers. If you have a women’s shoe store then you can aim your marketing at that exact demographic, ensuring that you get a far better response than any other strategy. Our ability to target the people most likely to buy our products and use our services is one of the biggest benefits of using online marketing, and it is exactly why you mustn’t ignore it, not if you want success at least.

The online world and the offline world are almost one in the same thing — remember that when it comes to your marketing campaign.

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