5 Ways SMBs Can Step Up Their Local Marketing Both Online and Offline in 2019

Group of people working together

When it comes to marketing tips and strategies, SMBs are absolutely spoiled for choice.

In fact, businesses are often torn in a million different directions in terms of what they should be doing marketing-wise.

And we’re always looking for the “next big thing” around the corner, right?

The reality remains that there is no silver bullet solution for SMBs. This rings true for local and digital businesses alike. In order to improve your marketing both online and offline in 2019, business owners should look closely at recent trends to inform their campaigns moving forward.

Below we’ve broken down five totally separate ways that SMBs with a local presence can grow. The added bonus of these tips is that they’re actionable, specific and can be pursued regardless of what you might be selling.

With that said, let’s dive in.

Attend More In-Person Events

In-person marketing has seem somewhat of a resurgence in the past few years. It’s a bit ironic given the popularity of digital marketing, but a welcome development for businesses who want to spend time face-to-face with local customers.

Whether it’s conferences, community events or meet-ups, making your presence known is a smart move for making your customers see you as a local staple.

It’s not enough to show up and take up table space, though. Taking the time to design your own custom feather flags and hand out freebies (think: magnets and stickers) will give your business a much-needed sense of enthusiasm and professionalism that will help you stick out in the minds of locals.

Emphasize Local SEO

Speaking of “local,” SEO certainly isn’t going anywhere for SMBs.

Bear in mind that local SEO is not akin to throwing money at pay-per-click advertising or stuffing keywords on your website. While on-site SEO is certainly important and businesses should strive to rank for keywords and build links, it’s not the be-all, end-all of your SEO activity.

For example, 2019’s State of Local SEO report from Moz notes that the majority of local businesses agree that their Google listing is their “new” homepage.

This signals the importance of keeping up your Google My Business listing given that’s what so many potential customers will see when they look you up. Some strategies to make your listing look like a million bucks include…

  • Keeping your hours and information up-to-date
  • Boasting positive ratings, reviews and customer photos to create a sense of authenticity
  • Including relevant keywords and categories as part of your listing

Run Facebook Ads

Facebook is a sore spot for many SMBs right now, especially if you saw your organic reach fall recently.

That said, Facebook ad impressions were up in 2018 as businesses continue to spend big on the social giant.

Why bother when organic reach is suffering, though? Bear in mind that there’s a non-zero chance that your customers are on Facebook. Unlike untargeted advertising, Facebook allows you to hone in on specific locations, demographics and audiences that are most likely to click on your ads.

For example, a custom auto shop in Kentucky can target users in specific suburbs who have auto-related interests and “look” like their traditional customer. Additionally, you can upload your email list to target new customers as well. With built-in options for limiting your ad spend and when your ads run, you don’t have to worry about completely blowing out your budget, either.

Invest in Instagram

In lieu of Facebook becoming more of a pay-to-play network, many SMBs have jumped to Instagram to reach customers organically. Considering that the visual content platform hit over one billion users last year, it’s one of the most active and fast-growing networks around.

Businesses of all shapes and sizes can succeed on Instagram, especially local businesses who want to connect with customers.

Showing off customer photos, running social specific deals and doing giveaways are a great start for growing your presence and engaging your followers. If you have a physical location, documenting your day-to-day happenings on Instagram via photos and Stories is a low-hanging way to engage your local audience.

Start Producing Video

Last but not least, video content is experiencing an all-time high surge in popularity as YouTube is now the second most-visited site, second only to Google.

Producing video content such how-to’s and product tutorials are a brilliant move for showing off what you’re selling in action. In addition, you can use video as a secondary SEO channels as YouTube results frequently pop up on the first page of Google. If you have a smartphone, you have enough to get started producing video.

Local businesses have the benefit of being able to put themselves out in the open, but also have the challenge of mastering the art of digital marketing as well. Hopefully these tips provided some much-needed inspiration on what you can to do grow your business in 2019.

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